Chapter 24

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Dario POV:

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Dario POV:

"Lucka go and help the guys bring those men to the Warehouse and see if you can find out any more information from them, Aurora and I are leaving now."

Taking out my phone I call my driver for him to come and pick Aurora and I up.

Once I was finished with my call I took Aurora's hand into mine as we walked out of the club.

Before we could walk out, I saw one of my dancer who I think her name was Bridget walking towards us then stopped right in front of me.

"Hi, boss." She said in a flirty voice.

I griped Aurora's hand titer in mine to make sure she would not pull away.

"Bridget right?" I asked to make sure I was right about who I was talking too.

"You don't remember me? We had sex like over a week ago." She said in an angry voice.

Shit, I had forgotten about that girl that I brought home from the club that one night to the safe house to forget about Aurora.

I felt Aurora's hand try to pull away from mine.

"You must have not been that good for me to forget."

Both girls looked at me in shock at how rude I was, but I really didn't care.

I started to continue to walk out of the club not bothering to look back at my one night stand.
I needed to get Aurora out of here before another girl I have fucked come up to us.

My drive was standing on the side of the car, once he noticed us he opened the door for us to get in.

"Tony take us back to my house and make it Snappy."

Tony nodded at me gesturing that he would.

Aurora had made my body feel tingles as she touched me tonight in ways no other women have had before and with my arousal that still had not gone away, I wanted to get her home and into my bed.

As we sat inside the car I pull her onto my lap.

Placing my lips onto her neck, I started to kiss and sucked on her collar bone.

A moan had escaped out of her mouth which turned me on even more.

She smelled like passionfruit I loved the smell of passionfruit.

Taking my lips off of her neck I say, " You have been a very naughty girl tonight."
As I rub my hand up and down her leg.

"Well, I figured if you were going to treat me as one of your strippers then I should at least play the part, but I also wanted to get revenge on you for treating me that way.

She looked into my eyes licking her lips.

This girl is smart I have to give her credit, she knew how to play the game but what she doesn't realize you can't play a player or you will lose.

I will make sure that she will submit to me.

Blake might be in her heart at the moment but I'll promise my self this, That I will replace him in her heart, from now on this women will be MINE and he can't have her back.

As we look into each other's eyes I leaned in kissing her soft lips.

" Sir we are here."

What the fuck, why are my guys cock-blocking me tonight.

Not saying a word I get out of the car.

Aurora then got out her self.

I picked her up placing her over my shoulder.

"Put me down, Im too heavy for you to carry and also my ass is on display for the whole world to see Dario."

I smacked her ass really hard making sure that I had left my hand print.

Did she really think that I was too weak to carry her?

Walking to my front door not caring that she is still screaming for me to put her down.

As I walked into my house I was surprised to see all the lights still being on with it being so late.

"Daddy look who's here."
My daughter said running up to me.

What is she still doing up, Maria should have put her to bed a long time ago, I then looked behind her.

Standing before me was my mother and sister with a stern look on there faces.

I knew what they were thinking at that moment, It didn't take a genius to figure it out.

Aurora was still on my shoulder with her ass sticking out a little for them to see.

I knew they had thought I had brought home one of my sluts.

It didn't help with what Aurora was wearing either.

"Put me down, Dario."
Aurora said as she was hitting my back so I placed her onto her feet.

She looked at me, Her cheeks were red with embarrassment that we had gotten caught by my family.

She then turned around to face my mother and sister and gasped.

"Stacy." Was all she had said before passing out onto my floor...................


934 words

Hi Everyone.

I'm sorry I did write a chapter yesterday.
I was so tired that my brain didn't want to work.

My little one has been giving me a hard time sleeping so I was up for 24 hours with no sleep.

Im still tired now so hopefully she will sleep for me tonight.

Thank you all for being patient for this chapter to be published.

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