Chapter 9

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Aurora POV:

3 days have passed since I was kidnapped and placed in a room.

They have been giving me 3 meals a day and also fresh clothing.

I have to admire the respect they do have for women even if they hate her, it could have gone worse for me.

My room, for now, is no bigger than a walk-in closet

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My room, for now, is no bigger than a walk-in closet.

I kinda feel like Harry Potter, if only I had a wand then I would point it at all their asses and make them dance. Just thinking of that put a smile on my face.

Jaxson must have talked to Dario by now, I don't understand what is taking so long for them to bring the file here, he could have even faxed it but nope these guys seem to be old school.

I have not seen Dario since the night he took me, but I have faith in the Canadian embassy that they will find me.

Looking down at my nails, they looked broken and chipped, Maybe if I asked them for some nail polish and a filer they would give it to me what harm could it be. They don't seem like your normal kidnappers.

As I'm still looking down at my hand I didn't notice the door opened then closed.

"Did you miss me?"

Once I heard that voice I jumped up off the bed and ran over to the man who I thought I would never see again, wrapping my arms around him.

"Jaxson oh god I never thought I would see you again."

I cried in his arm which brought memories of the last time I saw him, but these tears I am shedding are from joy instead of sadness

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I cried in his arm which brought memories of the last time I saw him, but these tears I am shedding are from joy instead of sadness.

"Don't worry Aurora I'm here to help you When Dario called me and told me that you were with them I was nervous I thought he would kill you but I guess he must have realized with the information I have been finding and him as well that he knows it was not you."

"Jaxson I don't care about that right now we can talk about it after. Tell me do you have any information about my son?"

I was hoping that maybe Shelly has been keeping in contact with my family.

"Last I have heard which was a while ago he is doing alright. He misses you a lot."

I miss him too, My heart feels broken, there are no words to explain how I feel.

"How are my parents and Shelly?"

The smile Jaxson had was now replaced with a frown.

"Your parents are well, but for Shelly, I wouldn't know. We broke up."

"Awww I'm sorry to hear that, what happened."

"I went back to Canada after your trial was finished to surprise her and to ask her to marry me, but I was the one who got surprised when I found her in the arms of another man. She blamed me for it, saying I was away for too long and she had needs that needed to be filled."

"I am so sorry Jaxson it's all my fault if you never stayed for my arraignment you two would be together."

"No, it's no one's fault but her own, she could have waited if she truly loved me."

" Enough about me look at you, what happened?"

"What do you mean Jaxson?"

"You look so skinny, I didn't even recognize you, The only way I did was that beautiful face of yours."

I smacked him on his arm.

"Jaxson you know flattery will get you anywhere with me," I said jokingly with a wink.

"Come here you," Jaxson said pulling me into his arms once again

hugging each other.

It felt like forever me being im his arms until a voice said: "Look at you two all cuddly and gross"............


705 words

Hello my friend's 🙎

We got to meet Jaxson again.

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