Chapter 4

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Edited: April 15, 2019

Narrator POV:

As the men sit around there bosses office waiting for a command.

Dario was at his desk wondering what his next move should be.

He has been waiting for one special phone call to tell him that everything was a go.

Taking his drink off of his desk placing it to his lips, the ice clinking in the glass.

As he takes a big gulp in his mouth feeling the rum burn down his throat.

Memories of his childhood flashed in his head.

There was a picture frame on his desk of his late baby sister on her wedding day.

He thought that he was doing the best thing for her rearranging a marriage to a childhood friend.

Stacy was in love with Blake and of course, he wanted to see her happy, but moreover, he wanted his little princess to be happy as well.

He wanted her to finally have the family she deserved.


"Mi scusi capo ma il telefono sta squillando." (Excuse me boss but your phone is ringing.)

Dario looked over at the man who broke him out of his thought.

Not saying a word back to him, Dario picked up his phone and answered, "Ciao." (Hello)

"Signore, siamo a posto."(Sir, we are good to go.) The man said on the other line.

"Buono essere pronto e non scopare questo, ho aspettato troppo a lungo per questo.(Good be ready and don't fuck this up, I have been waiting too long for this.)

Dario hung up the phone.

The men in the room looked at him in wonder if that was the call they all been waiting for, they're very anxious to finally get there Revenge.

"È stato, uomini confermati vanno a prendere le tue pistole e giubbotti antiproiettile mentre ce ne andiamo nei prossimi 10 minuti." ( "It's been, confirmed men go get your guns and bulletproof vests on we are leaving in the next 10 minutes.")

The men walked out of the office leaving Dario behind, taking the last sip of his drink and placed it by his sister's picture frame.

He picks up Stacy's picture and looking at it, his little princess looks so much like his sister.

" I'll get your Revenge sister, I promise you that."


430 Words

We finally have gotten to meet Stacy's brother. 😃

What do you think that phone call was all about?
I would love to hear your comments on that one.

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