Chapter 32

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Aurora POV:

I had a smile on my face enjoying the nice Hot weather as I suntan by the pool drinking a nice cold beer. I wasn't really a beer drinker but on this hot day, I needed something cold.

It has been a few days now since Dario had moved my things into his bedroom.

Our first night sleeping in the same bed was kinda awkward.


"Aurora just get into the bed

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"Aurora just get into the bed."

"How would you like me to that while you're taking up the whole bed? Also, why are you always on your phone?"

"I'm a very important man."

"Sure keep on thinking that Dario."

"Have I told you yet that you look very sexy in my shirt?"

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"Have I told you yet that you look very sexy in my shirt?"

"Nope you haven't but it's good to know that I look better than you in your shirt."

Dario got out of the bed placing his phone down, walking towards me.
He lifted me up off the floor Bridal Style, I was nervous that he was going to drop me so I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He placed me down onto the bed and claimed right on top of me.

"You have really nice eyes."

A blush had covered my face from his words.

Dario placed kisses onto my nose and on my cheeks.

"You're cute when you blush."

"You just like teasing me, Dario," I replied

"Oh, I plan on teasing you hun but in a whole different way."

He then placed his lips onto mine.


"Go change Aurora." Where the words that took me out of my daydreaming state.

Great, I was just getting to the good part. I thought to myself.

I looked up at Dario who was walking out of his house with Lucka and Jaxson.

I pretended that I didn't hear him by picking up my beer and taking a drink.

"Aroura I know you heard me stop pretending that you didn't now go and change. There are too many men around here for you to wear that bikini go put on a different one."

Dario than sat down on my lounge chair with me placing his hand on my thigh.

I looked at him with a none expression on my face.

"You're not my boss and if you asked me to change one more time then I won't have a problem taking off my bikini top and going the European way for suntanning, at least I have my top on."

Lucka and Jaxson laughed at my remark to Dario.

"She got you there Dario."
Lucka said smacking his hand on his friend's shoulder.

Dario glared at me.

"Boss leave her alone, Aurora looks hot in her bikini, If she was my women I would let her wear it," Jaxson said giving me a wink and smile.

"That's sweet of you to have my back on this one Jaxson but your boss needs to remember that we are not in a relationship and if we were in one he still couldn't treat me the way he just did."

Which was true his overbearing personality wouldn't work with me.

"If you think Jaxson is so sweet and that we are not in a relationship then why dont you go and fuck him instead of me."

I couldn't believe that he just had said that to me right in front of Lucka and Jaxson.

These guys didn't need to know that he and I are having sex, the way Dario had said that made me sound like I'm an easy fuck.

I stood up from the lounge chair wrapping my beach towel around my waist.

"Fuck you, Dario." Was all I said before storming into the house.

I walked into the kitchen grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl that was on the counter taking a bite from it.

Not even 15 seconds later Dario walked into the kitchen and heading over towards me grabbing my arm spinning me around to face him.

"Don't you ever tell me to fuck off again especially in front of the men who work for me, You need to show me respect."

"Respect are you fucking kidding me that I need to show you respect. For me to show you respect you need to show me some. Why the fuck did you have to let those guys know that we are fucking each other?"

"The reason I said that was for Jaxson to know that we are together and for him to back off because you are mine Aurora, I see the way he looks at you I'm not stupid he wants you."

"Dario it's not a fucking pissing contest between the two of you."

I was Furious with him and his possessive Behavior.

Dario and I stood there looking at one another neither of us wanting to back down.

"Well, what do we have here? Are the two love birds having a fight?"

Without any hesitation, Dario and I looked over at the kitchen door.

There stood Dario's sister and mother with grins on their faces.

Great now I have to fucking deal with these two bitches today.........


921 Words

Sorry for not posting for a few days been really busy.

I have not been getting any comments not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing So how about you tell me what you think of the story so far.

I want to Thank Everyone who has been voting for my chapter your the best🙂

Thank you for reading.


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