Chapter 6

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Edited: April 19, 2019

Aurora POV:

Fluttering my eyes open.

Oh, my head.
I tried to left my hands up to place them to my head to help with the stinging sensation I'm feeling right now, but I couldn't.

What the hell, As my head is hanging down with my chin on my chest. I fully open my eye's.

I see blood and dirt on my orange jumpsuit.

Where did the dirt come from? I question myself.

A little giggle escaped my lips, God I was dumb.
I'm worried about the dirt, instead of thinking of the bigger question, where did the blood come from.

"Cosa stai ridendo di te puttana pazza?"("What are you laughing about you crazy bitch?")

As those words ring in my ears I raise my head to see who said them.

5 men were standing around me all dressed in black suits. Their hair was slicked back, Some had tattoos and others went the body piercing way.

" I'm not crazy pencil dick."
I said back to him in English, I'm so fucking tired of speaking Italian and also hearing it.

"Matita cazzo? Ti mostrerò che aspetto ha un vero cazzo."( " Pencil dick? I'll show you what a real dick looks like.")

"Oh don't worry you are showing me what a real dick looks like."

I had to laugh at my own comment on that one.
He did set himself up good for his reply.

Even a couple of the guy's snickered.

" Enough." A very loud voice was heard behind me.

Not being able to turn around to see who that strong masculine voice belong too, it sounded very sexy but for some reason, I feel like I have heard it before.

I could hear footsteps coming closer from behind.

"We meet again."

My eyes went wide, What the fuck.

I felt my blood boil inside me, I can't believe it's him

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I felt my blood boil inside me, I can't believe it's him.

This sick fuck kidnapped me then tied me to a chair.

I'm going to fuck with his head, I wonder how far his patience can go.

"Wait, hold up aren't you the guy who I caught my ex  fucking?" I said to piss him off.

"You're lesbian?" Was heard not sure from who.

"No, I have always like the dick and so did my ex."

"You think you're funny, don't you?" Mr, Sexy man said.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, I remember where I saw you before. You were at Blakes Halloween party, We talked out on the patio."

"That is correct, Do you know who I am?."

"Hmmm let me think, Well I'm tied to a chair in what I can see (I looked around my surroundings)in an abandoned warehouse with 5 looking monkeys over there and 1 big gorilla which would be you. I got it your that underwear model, am I right?"

"You're a fucked up bitch, Dont you realize that your life is on the line right now, One word from the boss we would be drilling your body with bullets."
Was said from one of the monkeys.

"You know what I'm going to call you monkey number 1," I said with a smile on my face.

"Drop the act, Clearly you have no clue who I am so I am going to introduce myself. My name is Dario Anais."

I still had no clue who this guy was, and by his facial reaction, I think he knows I don't.

"You killed my sister, I'm here to avenge her death and make you suffer," Dario said with Anger in his voice.

Awww Shit, I'm fucked now..........


664 words

Aurora and Dario meet again 🙂

Hmmm, I wonder how she is going to get out of this one.

Thank you, everyone, who have voted for my chapters it means the world to me.

Thank you to the ones who started to follow me😊 I started following you back.

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