Chapter 26

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Aurora POV:

Feeling overly hot than normal.

I started to rub my eyes to get the sleep out of them.

Taking a deep breath in then letting it out, I could smell the scent of passion fruit with a mix of chocolate.

Mmmm, it smelled so good.

"Has anyone ever told you before that you snore in your sleep really loud?"

What the fuck, ok I'm really losing it now. I swear I thought I heard Dario's voice.

looking over to my left, Dario was beside me in the bed with his naked chest close to me, he was propped up on his side leaning his head on his hand.

"What the fuck are you doing in my bed?"

"Well I'll take that as a know and for your information your in my bed."

Once he said those words I started to look around the room.

"How did I end up here?"
I asked in wonder because I was confused.

"I don't really feel like getting into that conversation with you right now but I must say, I like having you in my bed laying next to me at night. Your body keeps me nice and warm while you cuddling me."

Oh god did I really cuddle him last night, I must have mistakenly thought he was my pillow.

"Well let's just say it was your lucky night to have me sleep beside you because this( pointing my finger back and forth to him and I) will never happen again.

Climbing out of the bed I noticed I still had my clothing from last night on. At least he did not undress me I thought.

Walking over to his bedroom door about to open it he calls out to me and says, " I have a surprise for you."

Not bothering to ask him what it could be, I opened the door and walked out.

Walking down the hallway towards my bedroom.

"I see you're doing the walk of shame."

Knowing who that jealous voice belongs to I turned around to face her.

"Well, you should know how that feels Maria," I said placing a smile on my face. I was not going to take any of her shit today that's for sure.

She huffed then said, "You're a nobody, He loves me not you."

"Well if he truly loves you like you say he does, then I shouldn't be the one waking up with him in the morning in his bed."

Not waiting for her reply, I just walked away not bothering to continue this petty little conversation.

This girl had serious problems.

She really needed to understand that when two people really care about one another they don't go fooling around with someone else.

I had finally had reached my room.

Opening my door right away I spotted a beautiful bouquet of roses placed on my bedside table.

These roses must have been Dario's surprise that he mentioned to me.

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