Chapter 18

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Aurora POV:

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Aurora POV:

I couldn't stay any longer in Dario's office. So I walked out of there then headed to the kitchen.

My heart was breaking once again from the betrayal of what Blake had done to me.

I wanted to forget about it, I wanted to forget about that man who deceived me.

The saddest part of all this was is that I still cared about him. He had destroyed my life, What is wrong with me.

I took a napkin off of the kitchen counter and wiped my face with it, Whipping the tears.

I didn't notice Dario walking into the kitchen, He walked towards me and sat beside me on a stole.

He wrapped his arms around my body holding me tight to his chest.

I cried onto his shoulder.

"Aurora I am sorry for putting my hands on you in my office, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"My life is so fucked up."
I said with a cry and giggle at the same time.

"I'm sorry for blaming you for my sister's death clearly it was not you, Blake must have had this planned for a long time and I never noticed. I thought my guys had a good watch on him but they had failed me."

I pull out of Dario's arms and put my hands on each side of his face.

Looking at him in the eyes I said " It's not your fault about Blake, he knew what he was doing. Not only he hurt me but he also hurt you more by killing your sister."

I looked into his eyes I could see the sadness in them.

I notice him bringing his face closer to mine and I started to bring mine closer to his as well.

Our lips are about to touch, I have thought of us kissing before when I first met him a long time ago.

"Mi dispiace signore, non volevo interromperti, ma Aaliyah vorrebbe vederti."( " Sorry sir, I didn't mean to interrupt you but Aaliyah would like to see you." ) Maria said.

Dario and I pulled away from each other.

"Grazie per avermi fatto conoscere Maria." ("Thank you for letting me know Maria.")

What the hell, Where did she came from, I didn't even hear her enter the kitchen.

"I'll see you later," Dario said then stood up from the stole. He gave Maria a smile walking out of the kitchen.

I noticed Maria walking up to me then stood right in front of me crossing her arms over her chest.

"You think he likes you, don't you? You will never mean anything to that man, you are like all the other women he has been with. Your just a number to him a number that will be replaced by a higher number really soon. Sluts are a dime a dozen, (then she looked me up and down.) Your nothing special your fat and ugly nothing like the other woman, you must have something that he wants."

Absorbing Maria's words into my brain and thought about what she said.

She was right he even said I was not his type before.

He must be acting with me to get more information out of me.

What is up with men wanting to use me?

I got up from my stole and rushed out of the kitchen, running up the stairs two by two to get to the room I am staying in.

Closing the door behind me I grab my bag from off of the bed.

I have no money or a cell phone but I don't care, I need to get out of here.

Looking out of my window I see how far up I was from the ground and I knew jumping out of the window was not an option.

I'll have to do it the old fashion way, I need to wait for night to come and once everyone is in bed asleep
I will be able to Escape.............


698 words

What do you think is up with Maria? I think someone is jealous.

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