Chapter 42

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Narrators POV:

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Narrators POV:

Nurses had rushed to Dario's aide once he stepped foot inside of the hospital carrying Aurora in his arm's.

The paramedic had talked to the doctor who was on call about Aurora's status.

Lucka went to fill out paperwork as for Dario he had placed Aurora onto a gurney that a male nurse had brought over to him.

Aurora's eyes were closed with no signs yet of her waking up.

Dario held her hand saying little prayers to himself to god for him to keep her safe and for her to wake up.

" Sir we need to take her now." The doctor said.

A male and female nurse walked over to Dario getting ready to push the gurney.

"Keep me informed of anything that happens's to her, please."

Dario was nervous and worried.

He hated not being able to be in control at that moment, he felt like a little boy who needed his toy but his toy was broken and needed to be fixed and these people were trying to fix it.

"Dario let's go wait in the waiting room," Lucka said pulling his friend's arm over towards the waiting room.

The room had a TV with outdated chairs also a coffee and vending machine off to the side of the room.

Dario sat down on a chair as for Lucka he went over to the coffee machine to get two black coffee's.

Dario pulled out his phone and called the Chief of Police.

Phone conversation:

"Ciao sergente Risotto parlando" (" Hello Sergeant Risotto speaking")

"Risotto è Dario, hai risolto quel problema per me che ti ho chiesto anch'io?"("Risotto it's Dario, did you fix that problem for me that I asked you too?")

"Ciao, Dario Sì, tutto è a posto, il lavoro del bambino dovrebbe esserti spedito entro domani mattina." ("Hello, Dario Yes everything is in order, The paperwork should be sent to you by tomorrow morning.")

"Sembra buono, quindi i miei uomini lo hanno fatto scendere alla stazione di polizia e non ci sono stati problemi?"("Sounds good, So my men dropped him off at the police station and there was no hassle?")

"Niente che non potremmo gestire."("Nothing we couldn't handle.")

"Bene, risotto, ti parlerò più tardi."(" Alright Risotto I'll talk to you later.")

End of phone conversation

Lucka sat down beside Dario handing him a cup of coffee.

Dario took the cup of coffee into his hand.

"Was that Risotto on the phone?" Lucka asked wondering.

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