Chapter 37

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Narrator POV:

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Narrator POV:

Aurora was laying down on a bed past out unaware of her surroundings.

The room was dark, It had a bed and dresser it felt and looked very cozy.

Aurora's eyes started to flutter open, her head was throbbing from the accident

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Aurora's eyes started to flutter open, her head was throbbing from the accident.

Aurora POV:

I placed my hand on my head feeling a small bump on the side of my head.

It felt like deja vu being in a room not knowing where I am.

Why does this always happen to me? I thought looking around the room.

At least I am not waking up tied up to a chair in a Warehouse like the last time.

I'm never getting into another car again, I'm done with cars.

With all this trauma I'm having with hitting my head I seriously needed to go get an exam to make sure I don't have brain damage.

The door slightly opened and all I could see was a silhouette of a person peeking into the bedroom.

"Please let me go?" I begged the person at the door.

"Why would I do that Aurora?"

The silhouette of the person flicked on the light switch that was on the wall turning the lights on for me to see who they were.

"Maria?" I said out loud

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"Maria?" I said out loud.

Of all the fucking people in this world, it had to be her.

"Maria where am I? Am at the safe house? I knew Dario would come and help me. Why am I in this room and not in the one I was placed in before?"

I was confused and had a lot of questions.

"You honestly think that you are at the safe house? How stupid are you? I have no clue why my baby wasted any of his time with you."

Maria took out a gun and faced it toward me.

"I'm finally going to get rid of you Aurora and I am going to have my Dario back."

I put my hands in the air for some reason no clue why I guess it's just a reaction when someone pointing a gun at you.

"Come on Maria we can talk about this, how about you put the gun down and we can talk as grown women. Doesn't that sound good?"

"Shut the fuck up Aurora. I'm so fucking sick of you, You bewitched my Dario how could you come into his life and start fucking things up for me. Dario and I had the best life together before you came into the picture."

This woman was seriously crazy, In her mind, Dario and her where together but for Dario, she was just his maid.

I felt kinda bad for her.

Maria's hands were shaking in anger.

This was it I am going to die. I thought so I closed my eyes getting ready for this bullet to pierce through my body.

Narrator POV:


Aurora fell to the floor with her eyes closed.

3 shots were heard in the room.

Blood was scattered all over the wall's and onto the floor.

Blood was scattered all over the wall's and onto the floor

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566 words

Don't kill me. 🙌

Yes I know that's a bitch move that I made just leaving this chapter like that but I have been really nice today by putting out 3 chapter's so that has to give me some credit 🙆

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