Chapter 28

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Aurora POV:

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Aurora POV:

Marching right inside Dario's home I slammed the front door. Not even bothering to take my shoes off I was going to head straight to my bedroom.

"Aurora don't be like that."
Dario said walking inside the house.

"Don't fucking start Dario, I have all right's to be fucking pissed."

"How is it my fault? You shouldn't be mad at me."

"They are your fucking family, So with them being your family then that means I can be mad at you too."

"Aurora my sister didn't mean it, you need to remember that there was a time that she thought you killed our sister."

"Dario she fucking throw her drink on me tonight and for your mother oh don't get me started on her."

Dario goes to grab my hand but I pulled.

I point my finger at him.

"You didn't even have my back tonight Dario. They called me so many names tonight which really hurt me and you just sat there saying nothing. So you know what Dario you and your mother and sister can kiss my fucking ass because I am soooo done with all of you."

I turned around heading towards the stairs. I felt his arms wrap behind me and he placed his chin on top of my head.

"I'm truly sorry for the way my family treated you tonight. I didn't think they would do that in public and I know you feel embarrassed with their actions."

"You will never know how I feel Dario because your the boss that everyone won't dare to disrespect but I am the stocker killer that everyone says I am."

I started to cry.

"But out of everything tonight with your sister calling me names to throwing her drink on me, to your mother smacking me in the face, calling me a killer for everyone in the restaurant to hear. The one thing that hurt out of all of that was them saying my son was better off without me in his life and hoped that he would forget me. Do you know what that feels like hearing that? I miss my son every day, I miss his hugs his laugh and holding him at night when he sneaks into my room to sleep beside me. I have lost almost a year with him and I have no clue if I would ever see him again and that kills me inside."

I fell to the floor landing on my knees with my hands covering my face sobbing into them.

Dario sat on the floor taking me into his arms rocking me back and forth.

"Shhhh don't cry, I promise you Aurora that I will clear your name and you will see your son again. If I have to kill every person who has harmed you in any way I will. You mean a lot to me and I don't want to see you cry."

Wiping my eyes with my hands, I look into his eyes.
They had sincerity in them which told me to believe in him but it's hard too after what Blake has done to me. Should I really let him in my heart and see if he could be the one to fix it?

Dario leaned in placing his soft lips onto mine.........


600 words

Yup, I am leaving it right there I know you want to kill me but don't worry it will continue tomorrow.

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