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So, as I said in my OS book (check it out if you didn't yet) I wanted to turn the OS "Not so daddy's boy" into a longer fanfiktion. So that's what I did....

TW: rape, abuse, incest


Terry was drunk.
He sat in the living room drinking beer after beer before switching to the harder stuff.

He stared at the screen; a football game was on.
Terry only ever watched two things on the TV: football and porn.
Both was disturbing to witness.

Mickey tip toed from his room to the kitchen, grabbing a beer for himself.
Suddenly the sound of shattering glass and a growl startled him.

He looked over to his dad on the couch. On the wall next to the TV was a stain and beer dripped down the wall like frosting on a cake.

"You complete fucking looser!" He screamed at the TV.
Mickey let out a breath he didn't notice he was holding when he got, that Terry didn't mean him.

"Son" his voice banged through the room.
Mickey looked at him.
"Bring me another beer"
Mickey sighed and grabbed a beer from the fridge bringing it over to him.

"Look at that stupid faggot! Maybe he would play better if he wouldn't spend so much time sucking the other players dicks" he grunted.
Mickey just nodded.

"Look at you, bringing me beer and nodding at everything? What are you? A little tweaking Bitch?"

Mickey clenched his fist.
He knew he shouldn't react he shouldn't even listen. His dad just wanted to start a fight, and both knew that a fight wouldn't end well for Mickey.

"What you got nothing to say? Sometimes I think you can't be my son, bet your whore of a mother just tried to smuggle you into the family. God knows you're the spawn of the fucking cop who always arrested me"

Mickey stared at him. Talking about his mother was a line people shouldn't cross. Calling her a whore was one to many.

Mickey tried to get up and just walk out of the room, to beat up a random kid instead of letting it out on his dad.

"What you run away now? Just like your mother?"

Mickey turned around and punched him across the face.
Terry was only waiting for that he jumped up from the couch and lunged at his son, punching and breaking his nose.

Mickey stumbled through the house.
"Don't talk about my mother you asshole!"
Terry shoved him against a wall.
"The fuck did you just call me?"

Mickey kicked him and tried to free himself out of his father's death grip.
He finally managed to Land a punch in his gut and ran out of the house.


Mickey walked into the alibi. He was 17 but no one cared anyways, this was the damn south side.
And he wasn't here to drink anyways.
He walked through a door and up the stairs to the apartment the bartender rented out as Rub'n'Tug.

"Uh, it's the pretty one again" one of the girls, Raisa, said "You want a taste of something new finally?"
Mickey rolled his eyes at her "Where's Svet?"
Raids sighed and pointed to the other end of the room.

Mickey walked between the sheets that were hung up to separate the girls and costumers until he was at the end of the room.

He pushed the sheet back ignoring the yelp of the guy lying next to Svetlana, she had his dick in her hand, pumping it.

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