18 - Evidence

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Chapter 18 - Evidence

Mickey zipped his duffle bag up. It was Wednesday. He already got all his stuff together to run away with Ian on Friday.

He smiled and left the room again. He had promised Carl, Debbie and Liam to go to the park with them. Since he was going to leave soon, he was a little more willing to be nice to the children.

"Mickey mouse!" Liam exclaimed as soon as he saw Mickey and raised his arms at him, "Flying Rockstar?"
"You want to play flying Rockstar?"
"Okay, we can fly the way to the park if you want", he smiled and picked the toddler up.

He made sure the other two had enough jackets on before they left the house.

Lip watched them leaving with crossed arms in front of his chest.
Ian came down the stairs.

"Your lover just left with the kids."
"I know they go to the playground in the park."
"He did it without making a bitchy comment.", he noticed.
"He's just in a good mood."
"So are you, it seems" Lip mumbled.
Ian just grinned and shrugged and went into the kitchen.

The older Gallagher bit his bottom lip and quickly ran upstairs. He looked at Ian's door. Why were both the boys so damn happy the last week?
He had noticed in on more than one occasion and so did Fiona.

Ian came back upstairs and went into his room, grinning and whistling.
Lip looked after him and an instinct following went into Mickeys room.

When he and Ian had the plan to trap Mickey, record him and snitch to their dad, he had put a camera into the room and a voice recorder under the bed. Ian had shut both of after some time, shortly after he and Mickey got together.

Lip lay down on the ground and looked under the bed. He took the voice recorder from the bed and looked at it confused.
It was on.
That didn't make sense. The last time he checked it, it was off, and he didn't turn it back on.

He took the voice recorder and the camera he had hidden between books (following an instinct that Mickey would never pick up a book) and went back into his room.

He played the recording and was surprised when the first thing he heard was his own mother speaking.

"Oh, a voice recorder", Monica giggled, "Dirty Boy, Lip, you listen in on the boy jacking off?"

Lip got angry at the sound of her voice. He fasts forward to more recent recordings.

"Are you okay, Mick?", it was Ian's voice, "Fiona swore, she won't tell Frank, it's all good."
"It's not all good, Gallagher. We need to be more careful, that could have been your dad or your brother walking in on us as well. Imagine, if Lip knew what is going on between us, he would tell Frank immediately just so he would kick me out."
Ian sighed.
"Yeah, I guess he would. He's an asshole, he doesn't know you. But it was Fi, not Lip. And Fi has enough brain cells to see that you're a good man. She won't tell and Lip and Frank won't find out either. Everything's still fine, Mickey. Come here"

Lip heard how Mickey walked over to Ian, who apparently sat on the bed, and after a moment he heard soft kissing sounds.

Lip was confused, Fiona knew about this all along? Fiona walked in on Mickey and Ian fucking and just... kept quiet about it?
Lip started to feel guilty for treating Ian and Mickeys relationship so badly the whole time. They really seemed to like each other a lot.
He fast forward again to the most recent recording.

"I don't want your money, Ian. That's not the kind of relationship we have."

Lip sighed. This just proofed what Ian had said all along... maybe Mickey was good for Ian, maybe-

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