17 - Joeys place

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Thanks to all the people who still read this.
I appreciate even like and every comment and I read them all, trust me.

However, I once said that I have to options for an ending. Ending 1 will come in 4 chapters and if enough people want it you get the additional/alternative ending as well (not a sequel) - but right now it seems like we will end after ending 1

Also, tomorrow is my first day at the university 😊


Chapter 17- Joey's Place

The tension in the house was almost unbearable.
Mickey and Lip couldn't even be in one room together anymore.
The Milkovich was angry at himself for pretty much telling everyone what his father did, but he was even angrier at Lip. Months of the guys provocations drove him to the edge but accusing Mickey of being a fucking child molester was too much.

Fiona couldn't tell who she was angrier with: Lip or Mickey.
She could see Mickeys point, Lip crossed too many lines and it was just enough at some point - but that didn't give Mickey the right to hit him, in her opinion.

She didn't care if he was from the south side and if it was normal there and she told him so, loudly.
Mickey couldn't care less, he didn't owe Fiona anything, not even the excuse of being raised in the south side.

Ian was angry at Lip as well, he hasn't talked to him in three days, not sure what he should say. But after bottling up his anger for three days, he finally barged into his brothers room.

"Ian, what the fuck?" Lip flinched when his door opened so hastily, "I thought you were that parasite trying to kill me!"
Ian closed his door.
"He would be fucking right to try! Fucking hell, Lip, why couldn't you just leave him alone? Why is that asking for too much?"

"Hello? He hit me! He broke my damn nose, I'm the victim here."
"Are you? He didn't do anything, and you just kept calling him names and provoking him until you went too far, and he snapped."

"That just proofs that I was right from the beginning: he is a fucking greedy hood rat with no respect or consciousness!"

"He is a good guy, why can't you just accept that? Leave him the fuck alone! I like him a lot and I want him to stay around!"
"You lost your fucking mind, Ian! He's violent! What if you do something stupid one day and then he's gonna beat you up! That's the kind of guy who's gonna abuse their partners!"

"He's not! He is not like his father. He would never do anything to me, he is a good boyfriend and a good big brother, in contrast to you!"
"I'm just trying to protect you!"
"Well, stop it! I don't need your protection! Not from him."

Lip took a deep breath and looked at him.
"Ian, he is not your boyfriend. He is not the fucking love of your life. He is a random guy our dad fucks. If we wouldn't have money, he wouldn't even be here."
"He just tries to help his sister! He doesn't want any money from me. He never asked me for money."

"Yeah, because you were 17. Now you're 18 and have access to all your bank accounts. He's gonna ask for that money sooner than later."

"No!" Ian said sternly, "You stupid bastard just don't want to understand it! He's nice and a good person. And I'm gonna stay with him and be together with him even after he got all the money he needs and can leave. And you will fucking destroy those photos and all the evidence that you have. You will not tell Frank anything, I fucking... I beg you, Lip. Just destroy it. If Mickey would find out I hooked up with him in the first place because of your plan to have him kicked out, he would leave me forever."

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