16 - I'm not my fucking dad

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16 - I'm not my fucking dad

Mickey refused to talk with Ian for a few days.
He was doing it in the worst way possible, he didn't treat him like he wouldn't exist - that would have been the nice way - He treated him like Lip.

Once, Mickey was in the kitchen and just got something to drink. Ian, Debbie and Carl came into the kitchen to do the same since they were just outside.
"Mickey, do you want to come outside with us?" Debbie asked.
Mickey just looked from her to Ian while pouring soda into a cup for Carl, "No, better not." He said coldly.
Ian rolled his eyes, "Come on, Mickey, you can come outside with us." Ian replied.
Mickey just scoffed, "Yeah right, I'm not your babysitter, Gallagher, you too lazy to watch your own siblings?"
Debbie and Carl looked confused from Ian to Mickey, of course they noticed Mickey treating Ian differently.

"Ian, what did you do to Mickey that he was mean to you?", Debbie asked when they were outside again.
"Why would you think I did anything?"
"He only ever is unfriendly to Lip, and Lip is always mean to him and talks badly about him. So if he's unfriendly to you now, you must have done something bad" Carl explained.
Ian sighed, "Okay, maybe I said something stupid, but please don't tell Fiona or Lip, okay?"
"What did you say to him?"
"I'm not repeating it, just forget about it, it was stupid."

Another time Lip felt like provocating Mickey again and when Ian tried to tell him to shut up, Mickey only growled something at him and told both to fuck off before going up to his room, leaving the dinner to burn on the stove.

It's been a few days since Ian birthday party. Ian's teachers were sick so school didn't start before 11 for him today.
He was in the kitchen when Mickey got up and came downstairs in nothing but his tight briefs and a tank top, as usual.

"Hey Mick" Ian mumbled. Mickey just rolled his eyes and went to the fridge, "So, can we talk about this at some point or will you continue ignoring my ass?"

Mickey just took his breakfast out of the fridge.
Ian sighed and wanted to start his apology speech when Frank walked in.
"Morning, baby boy" Frank practically drooled at the sight of Mickey in his tight underwear.

"Frank, please, I'm here too" Ian mumbled.
"Ah, son, why aren't you in school?"
"I'll go to school soon. Teacher is sick. Could you keep your perversions to yourself until then?"
"The way I got it, this is still my kitchen", Frank shrugged and walked up to Mickey, who turned around to him.

Frank ran a hand down Mickeys body and whispered something naughty into his ear.
Mickey grinned dirtily, but Ian could see that it was fake.
"Sounds like fun"
Frank groped Mickeys ass through his boxers and Ian wanted to throw up.

"Get dressed then", Frank said playfully.
Mickey nodded and went to the kitchen table, he quickly took Ian's coffee from him and downed it, earning a pissy look from Ian. After putting the empty coffee cup down again, he went upstairs.

Ian bit his lip angrily.
"So, what dirty shit did you plan now?", Ian growled.
"Wouldn't you like to know" Frank chuckled, "That's adult stuff, son."
"I'm eighteen.", he reminded him.
"Well, you want to come with us and find your own piece of fine ass? There are always singles of both genders on these parties."

"Sex party? It's not even noon!"
"Some of us can't party all night, son. My friend is having his sex parties around this time, then we can head to the strip club afterwards. If Mickey behaves himself, I'll buy him a lap dance."

Ian bit his lip and tried his hardest to not tell at Frank to fucking leave his hands off his boyfriend.


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