19 - Don't do this

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19 - Don't do this

The Gallagher siblings stood in front of Ian's door.
The Ginger lay in bed, the room was dark. The blanket pulled up to his chin. He didn't move, didn't speak.
He just lay there.

His throat still hurt, dark bruises in the form of handprints went all around his neck. His eye was swollen and had an unhealthy blue-green colour, there was a cut on his cheek.

For the millionth time in the last two or three days, he called Mickey.
And just like all the other times, there was no reply. He didn't even got through, Mickey had blocked his number.
No matter how often he texted or called, Mickey wouldn't even notice.

After the first day of lying around depressed like this, Fiona tried to coax him out of bed.

"Ian, I made breakfast", she said softly and sat down on his bed, she stroked through his hair.
Ian just kept staring at his phone.
"Ian, you have to eat something, you didn't even have dinner last night."
"Go away" he just whispered.

Fiona left the room again.
She went back to her siblings in the kitchen.
"I'll try later again."
"What's wrong with him?" Carl asked.
Fiona sighed, "He's heartbroken, Carl.", she explained simply.

"Because Mickey is gone?" Debbie asked quietly.
Fiona nodded.
"Why did he leave?"
"I don't know, Carl. Ian doesn't Tell me."

"Mickey mouse?", Liam asked.
"I'm sorry, bean, Mickey mouse went back home."
"But when will he come back?", Carl asked.
Lip rolled his eyes, "He's not coming back. And that's good.", he just said angrily.

He hated that everyone was sad that Mickey was gone.
They have never been sad when one if Frank's other toys left. What was so special about Mickey? Nothing!

Fiona glanced at him. She had noticed that Lip behaved off as well since Mickey was gone and Ian lay depressed in bed.

Frank came into the kitchen.
"Good, breakfast is ready"
Frank grinned and sat down at the kitchen table.
"Fiona, be so good and get me some coffee, yeah?"

Fiona crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"Hey Frank, do you know why Mickey left?"
"Did he leave?"
"Yes! After beating Ian up."
Frank shrugged.

"Good to know how important We are to you" Lip scoffed.
Frank looked at him smugly, "Well, whose fault is it that the boy freaked out and let his anger out on Ian? It's not mine."

Lip crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at his father coldly.
"I have nothing to reproach myself for."
"Of course you don't. That would go against your picture of yourself now, would it?"

Lip angrily got up from the table and left the kitchen.
Frank shook his head, "Whatever went wrong there", he mumbled.
"Bad parenting" Fiona stated.
"Oh, don't blame yourself."

Fiona rolled her eyes and then went after Lip. She found him in one of the living rooms, he was pacing.

"Stupid fucking bastard, he brings all those parasites in here and now he thinks he can talk to me like that?"
"Lip, what did you do?"
Lip stopped pacing and looked at her, he bit his bottom lip.

"What did you do?", she repeated, "Is it your fault that Ian doesn't get out of bed anymore and looks like that?"
"Hey, I didn't beat him up! Mickey did that! Because he's a violent animal! I've told you so since he moved in here!"
"What did you do, Lip?!"

Lip sighed, "We set him up."
"Fuck, Fiona, you know how we usually dealt with these guys and girls - Fuck them so they leave Frank or Frank throws them out. I asked Ian to seduce him, so we could film it and snitch to Frank so he would throw Mickey out! But the idiot had to fall in love or some shit!"

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