5 - Making the dildo come [Smut]

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Chapter 5 - making the Dildo come

It's been months since Mickey moved in.
He got used to the family's routine by now and Fiona even secretly integrated Mickey into the routine, because Liam wouldn't shut up about wanting to play with Mickey, which the thug refused to do, when someone was there to witness.

Way too early in the morning, he would wake up from the busy children walking through the house, fighting about showers and stolen shirts – what seemed ridiculous to Mickey, given that they had so many bathrooms and more clothes than Mickey had in his lifetime – Fiona calling them down for breakfast and whatnot.

Around half past seven even the last Gallagher child had left the house either for school or work and Mickey fell asleep again for another few hours.
Around ten or eleven Frank would leave for some business in the brewery and not come back until really late – drunk and horny.

Around noon Mickey would get up, take a long shower and then make himself some breakfast, enjoying having a real, big kitchen.

Around two, Fiona would drop off Liam, even though the toddler could stay at day care, but that was a detail neither her nor Mickey talked about, then she left for another job or a date or something.

Mickey would spend time with Liam, play with him, read with him, he didn't dare to go outside with him, in case he might lose him, or the toddler might fall into the pool in the yard.
A few hours later he would give Liam a snack and let him watch a kids show for half an hour until Lip and Ian came home, thinking Mickey was a lazy piece of shit that didn't take care of Liam at all, but just parked him in front of a screen and left dealing with himself.

Eventually Debbie and Carl would come home, and Mickey would hide out in his room, reading or listening to Music, until it was time for Dinner. Fiona made him sit with them and eat, even though Lip and Mickey would've preferred him eating upstairs on his own.

Way later in the evening, Frank would come back and call him to his room, or creep into Mickey's room to fuck him.

The more time he spent in the house, the more Lip seemed to hate him, but Mickey couldn't care less, because he only had eyes for the ginger brother.
Ian didn't talk much, but he seemed nice. Apart from that, he sometimes walked around shirtless or felt like training for ROTC in the yard, half naked or just in a tank top, sweat dripping down his body in the summer sun.

Mickey tried his hardest not to watch him doing that, but holy hell, he couldn't look away... just like he couldn't help the instant boner from the sight – he felt like a fifteen year old sex-deprived teenager again.

The thought of Ian breeding him in his bed instead of Frank helped him through most nights.
The weekends were the worst, because Ian would walk around in tank tops, showing off his biceps and grey sweatpants – the thing about sweatpants was, that they were so brilliantly showing off Ian's bulge, he wanted to rip them off of him with his teeth.

Mickey had become a lot more comfortable with his sexuality in the past years.
He would never wave a fucking rainbow flag for the sake of it or come out in the southside, but he wasn't ashamed one bit over the fact, that he liked it up the ass. He also wasn't ashamed to be a parasite or to be southside white trash surrounded by those spoiled northsider's – because in his eyes, they had to be ashamed.

It were northsiders that were rich and perverted enough to rent a human fucktoy. The northsider's couldn't repair a nightlight and would rather buy a new one and the northsider's thought they were so superior, that they even had a problem with someone reading a book to their child. They were pathetic and didn't even notice it.

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