10 - Merry Christmas

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Chapter 10 - Merry Christmas

Mickey knew, he was playing a dangerous game.
Keeping Ian and him a secret, kissing him, mumbling sweet nothings into his ear, sneaking out of the house for dates, making out in dark cinemas.

The good thing was, that Frank was drunk most of the time. He was a funny drunk, not an angry drunk like Mickeys dad. He didn't notice Mickeys mind drifting off to Ian when he was with him, he didn't notice the side glances Ian gave him.

The ones they had to be wary around, that they had to make sure of, that they didn't notice, were the Gallagher children.

The kids liked Mickey, but they couldn't chance them accidently telling someone if they saw them.
They had no idea how Fiona would react to her little brother fucking her dad's boytoy.
But Lip would freak out if he knew, Mickey was sure of that.

It was Christmas morning.
Mickey was with the Gallagher for over half a year and with Ian for a good 5 months.

He woke up from a funny feeling on his neck. While he slowly drifted out of his sleep, he felt warm arms wrapped around his waist and a body pressed on his.

Soft kisses were pressed on his neck.
He was too tired to wrap his head around who was there in his bed, but he hoped it wasn't Frank.

"Gallagher?" He mumbled.
"Yeah" it was Ian who whispered in his ear "Merry Christmas Mickey."
"Christmas, right... thanks for reminding me. What are you doing in my bed?"
"Waking up, side by side with my boyfriend. That's your Christmas present for me."
"Oh yeah? I'm so generous."

Ian chuckled and kept kissing his neck.
"I'm gonna miss you when you go back home."
"It's only for a week, I promised Mandy and Svet to spend Christmas with them. You'll survive it, freckles."
"If you say so"

Mickey turned around to him and kissed him properly.
"I'll miss you too, just so you know."
Ian smiled softly and pecked his lips.

"I could come visit you. Meet your sister and this Svetlana."
Ian shrugged "We wouldn't have to hide from people."
"We would. It's the south side. And you're not gonna meet my sister."

"Why not?"
"Because I don't want that."
"But why not?", he sounded offended.
"Freckles, it's nothing against you.", he said.
"It is... You don't let me into your life. Not really. I have to slowly pull every information out of you."

"You are right in the middle of my life, we live together. I don't do anything without you noticing."
"That's not your life. That's mostly not even the real you. You act like you don't care about the kids when Lip or Fi are around. You act like you're into my dad when you're with him. You just act the whole time."
"I don't act when I'm with you. But what makes you think I stop acting at home? I act straight."

"Not in front of your sister or Your best friend, right? Why won't you let me into your life?"
"Because it's a piece of shit, Ian." And with that the topic was finished for him.


Mickey left the house before breakfast. The Gallaghers were gathered around the Christmas tree and waited to open their many presents.

Ian walked slowly into the living room with the big tree.
"Hey Ian, finally, come on we want to open up presents. Did you see Mickey anywhere?" Fiona smiled.
"He already left." Ian mumbled.

"Left? To where?" Debbie asked, "He doesn't leave forever right?"
"He visits his family over Christmas and New year's eve." Ian informed her "spends it in the south side with his sister and friends."

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