14 - Breakfast in Bed [smut]

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If this Gif isn't the best thing ever, than what is?

Also, no one cares, but I've got purple hair now
(intagram: miriam_mctroi)


Chapter 14 - Breakfast in Bed

It's been over a week since the Gallaghers had thrown Monica out of the house again, causing Frank to go on a bender, taking Mickey with him often to complain to him over drinks until having Mickey suck him off or letting him fuck him in the restroom.
Ian also had been busy with school, upcoming exams and ROTC training.
Both lead to the two boys barely seeing each other. Given, that they had a sort-of fight before Monica left, they didn't have sex in almost three weeks. Both could barely hold back whenever they actually saw each other, but unfortunately, Ian's siblings were always around.

Ian had decided to take the day off from school. He would just have useless classes today anyways and almost all exams were already through.
He knew, Mickey had been out with Frank the night before, so he wouldn't dare to wake the Milkovich up before noon.

Around eleven, Frank came into the kitchen.
"Oh, hey son, what are you doing here? No school today?"
"Took the day off, to study at home."
Frank nodded and ran a hand through his hair, "I gotta go, do you think Mickey would want to come to the bar with me?"
Ian rolled his eyes, "It's not even noon, Frank. Let the guy sleep."
"Alright, I'll go on my own, as if it ever would be too early to drink", he chuckled and left rather quickly.

Ian grinned when he heard the door closing and quickly opened the fridge.
He decided to make some breakfast for Mickey, even though he knew, Mickey was a way better cook than he was, he wanted to do him a favour.
The ginger quickly cooked up some small pancakes and grabbed a cup of coffee and went upstairs.

He put the food on the ground and unlocked Mickeys door to let himself in. He quietly walked over to Mickey's bed and placed the breakfast on Mickey's bedside table.
Mickey looked beautiful when he slept, so peaceful and relaxed, Ian couldn't see that look on him so often when he was awake, what was a shame really.

Mickey lay on his back, sleeping soundly, the blanket only half draped over his body.
Ian grinned and crawled on the bed, he slipped under the blanket carefully and placed himself between Mickey's legs.
The ginger started palming him through his briefs while leaving small kisses on his thighs.
Mickey stirred in his sleep but didn't wake up yet.

Ian pulled Mickey's cock out of his briefs and wrapped his lips around him. The ginger swirled his tongue around the head, licked all around and up and down, flicking his tongue over the slit, feeling him growing harder and bigger in his hand. He worked his way deeper and deeper, while stroking the part of his cock, that he didn't reach with this tongue yet.

He heard the Milkovich moan deep in his throat and felt him tug on his hair.
"Fuck", Mickey lifted the blanket up and Ian looked up at him, winking at him, before going on sucking his cock. Mickey chuckled and moaned lowly and threw his head back.

"Fuck, is anyone else here?", Mickey panted
Ian plopped his cock out of his mouth. "We're alone, you can be loud if you want to", he grinned and took him back into his mouth.

Ian sucked on his tip and licked down his shaft and when he sucked one of his balls into his mouth, Mickey moaned louder.
He dragged his tongue back up his cock and took him into his mouth again, moved his head up and down.

Mickey pushed the blanket away, to watch him properly.
Ian's lips were perfectly stretched around his dick, the Milkovich groaned at the sight of it and ran his fingers through his messy red hair.
Ian moved his head down, taking him in as far as possible, he continued that while massaging his balls with his hand.

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