8 - shooting stars

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Chapter 8 - Shooting Stars

"So, Ian, who's your new girlfriend?" Fiona asked out of nowhere while they sat on the dining table. Mickey sat across from Ian and tried to look not too interested.

"Wha-what? I don't have a girlfriend"
"Then where is the hickey from?"
Carl looked at him and poked the dark mark on his brothers' skin "She's right. Does that hurt?"

"No, stop it though" he swatted his hand away. Mickey tried not to chuckle, instead he grinned into his glass while taking a sip.

"So, who is it? Kid from school?"
"No" Ian rolled his eyes
"So, you do have a girlfriend?" Debbie asked excited and Ian blushed.
"No!" He said more sternly. Lip chuckled and Ian shot him a glance.

"What is a hickey?" Debbie asked.
"Oh nothing, just something stupid some people do while making out, Debs. It's like a bruise"
"Someone bruised you while kissing?" She asked Ian with raised eyebrows.
"No" Ian bit his lip and touched the hickey on his neck. Mickey 'renewed' it every other week and right now it was already a bit faded again.

"It's a promise" Ian smiled at his sister.
"A promise for what?"
"A promise that I mean more than just sex to that person"

Debbie smiled sweetly while Fiona giggled "You've got yourself a sappy romantic"

Lip however just looked suspiciously from Ian to Mickey.

"Hey, how about we go out tonight, to the movies or something, all together?" Fiona suggested.
"Can't, got something planned" Ian mumbled.
"A date?" Carl grinned.
Ian shrugged but grinned at him.
Mickey smiled into his drink yet again.

Lip looked from him to Ian and back.


Mickey closed the back door quietly behind himself, looking around.

He stayed close to the wall of the house and walked around it. He walked across the property and slipped out of the gates.

He quickly walked down the street.
"Hey cutie" he heard a voice call him and he turned around.

Ian leaned against a tree and grinned at him.
"Hey freckles" he smiled and stepped closer, he looked around to check if the coast was clear before kissing his boyfriend.

"You heard that? You're my girlfriend now" Ian grinned and pecked his lips.
Mickey hit his arm "Shut up, fuckhead. Let's go before someone sees us"

Ian grinned and let the way.
"Never realised you aren't out to your family" Mickey mumbled and lit up a cigarette.
"Lip knows. There just wasn't a situation where the others needed to know yet."

Mickey nodded and looked around before walking closer to Ian, letting their hands brush together.

"Why are you always doing that?" Ian chuckled and grabbed his hand.
"Doing what?"
"Looking around paranoidly, as if you're afraid someone could see us and bash our heads in"

Mickey bit his lip.
"Old habits die hard, I guess" he mumbled, and Ian gave him a look.
"Oh" he responded and held Mickeys hand tighter "Is it that bad in the south side?"

A car drove passed them and Mickey flinched slightly.
"In the south side, whoever was in that car, would've probably shot us for walking outside holding hands"

Ian stopped walking and made Mickey look at him, trying not to look too shocked.
"I'm not letting you go back there" he whispered and ran a hand through Mickeys hair.

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