11 - Snow White [smut]

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Chapter 11 - Snow WHite

Mickey came back to the Gallagher house early in the morning. It was second of January of the new year, fucking cold and snow fell on his black hair.
He hated winter.

They didn't give him a key to the house, but he knew, they were keeping one outside in case one of the kids locked themselves out.

The gate was Locked as well, Mickey sighed and got his lockpick out of his jeans quickly. The gate was opened in no time and he walked up to the house.
The spare key was under one of the rocks in the flower bed next to the door.

He found it quickly, opened the door, and put the key back.
No one seemed to be up and downstairs yet.

Mickey took his shoes and jackets off and walked upstairs, he didn't even bother going to his own room first, instead he approached Ian's.

He quietly opened the door, the ginger lay in his bed sleeping, Mickey slipped into the room and locked the door behind him. He put his duffle bag on the ground and took his pants off.

He tiptoed over to his bed and lay down under the blanket next to him.
Ian shifted in his sleep, stirred slightly but didn't wake up.
Mickey smiled and stroked over his cheek gently.
He closed his eyes and cuddled up to Ian.

The Gallagher woke up a good hour later and was surprised to find a sleeping Mickey next to him. He smiled and pecked his cheek.

"Mick?" He whispered and brushed a finger over his cheek gently.
Mickey made an unhappy sound and scooted closer to him, looking for Ian's warm body.

"Mickey, wake up. Or I have to kiss you awake, like sleeping beauty."
Mickey only pulled his eyebrows together but didn't bother to open his eyes though. Ian chuckled and leaned down, kissing his lips softly.

Mickey responded to that, putting one hand into his hair and kissing him back.
"You are more snow white than sleeping beauty though, huh?" Ian whispered when he pulled back and Mickey opened his eyes.

"Did you know, that in the original Fairy tale of Snow White, the Prince wanted to put the dead princess in her glass coffin in his throne room cause she was so pretty? And before they took her to the castle the Prince and his banner men raped her corpse so long and so brutal that the Apple piece flew out of her body again", he mumbled.

"Wow, you didn't grow up with Disney, huh?"
Mickey grinned up at him.
"Waking up next to you is nice" Ian mumbled "I wish we could do that more often."
"When we started this, I told you, you should get used to not always getting what you want. You should start listening to me."

Ian rolled his eyes at him and kissed him again.
"Did you miss me while you were gone?" Ian whispered and went down to kiss his neck.
"You're desperate for compliments.", Mickey mumbled.

Ian grinned and pushed Mickey on his back, straddling his hips and leaning over him.
"You missed me."
Mickey ran a hand through his red hair "Yeah, I did, alright?"
"Good, I missed you too. And I didn't got my new year's eve kiss from you, that was sad."

"I got a new year's eve kiss. From Svetlana, didn't even have to pay her." He grinned smugly up at him.
"Are you trying to make me jealous?"
Mickey grabbed his hips and suddenly turned them around, him sitting on the ginger.
"Is it working?"

Ian sat up suddenly and put a hand on Mickeys back so he wouldn't fall off him.
"Maybe it is" he grinned "I feel like I have to fuck you good and hard to remind you who your boyfriend is." He leaned in and kissed his neck.

"Did dad allow you to fuck other guys?" He whispered against his neck.
"Yeah, I can do whatever I want except having sex with you. You fucker just had to seduce me, huh?"
"Couldn't resist, look at you", he chuckled and ran his big hands over Mickeys thighs "I could finally suck you a hickey and you can pretend it is from some south side dude."

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