24 - Leave

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Chapter 24 – Leave

5 months later

Mandy pressed her body to the wall while three cops were struggling to drag Terry Milkovich out of the house.

"Let me go, you fucking faggots! Fucking pigs!", Terry screamed and ranted.
The cops stayed calm, dragged him outside and into the cop car.

Mandy saw her brothers approaching the house, looking confused from their father in the car to Mandy.

"What's going on here?", Iggy asked, when he came up the stairs to the front porch.
Mandy looked at him and bit her bottom lip, "Fucking Gallaghers"

Colin nodded, "If they break their word this time, all of us will be dead."
"They will be dead first in that case", Jamie growled and shoved his brothers out of the way, he went into the house, aggressively ripping the fridge open to get a beer out.

Mandy walked after him while taking her phone out to send Ian a text.

Mandy: they arrested Terry

Mandy: I'm not thanking you, but if your siblings want to visit Mick they can

Jamie looked over Mandy's shoulder and threw the beer bottle in his hand against the wall.
Mandy flinched violently and let her phone fall down.

"How can you do that Mandy?", Jamie yelled at her.
"Why? What?", Mandy took a step back to the wall.
"How can you trust those people? Fucking northside bitches! They can pay our bills, fine, but visit him? This is too fucking much!"

"Mickey liked the kids, they didn't do anything wrong. You don't know the Gallaghers, Jamie!"
"I know that because of them Mickey is as good as dead!"
"He isn't dead yet!"
"And how great is his life going to be? Fucking doctors don't know what's going to happen, he could wake up as better fucking vegetable and you let that pumpkin-kid visit him? Sit with him?"

"He loves him, and Mickey loves him too!"
"He killed him!"
"No, Terry did! It's Terry, not the Gallaghers! He's my brother, Jamie, he did this for me and when I say it's okay for a few children to visit him, then it's okay!"
"He is my brother too!", Jamie screamed and made a step towards her, being loud and tall and intimidating, Mandy pressed her body to the wall, "Not only yours! You don't get to decide everything about him! He will end up like Joey, none of your even remember Joey the way I do! You didn't lose him like I did! And now I'm gonna lose the next one and it is the fucking Gallagher's fault!"

He screamed and towered over her, Mandy shook and looked up at him, terrified.

Seeing his sister like this, made Jamie step back, he took a deep breath, he was exhausted.
"I'm sorry", he whispered, "I'm... I'm so sorry Mandy, I didn't mean to-"
Mandy shoved him out of the way and ran up to the bathroom, locking herself in there.

Jamie leaned against the kitchen counter and took a few deep breaths. The other two brothers now also came into the kitchen.
"You shouldn't have screamed at her", Iggy said.
"I know... I'm just... I'm tired of this shit, man. Why are we acting like everything will be okay? When did anything ever work out for people like us? Mickey will end up like Joey and none of you is strong enough to realize that yet... it's been seven months, Mickey won't wake up."


Ian sat next to Mickey's hospital bed.
He could feel Svetlana standing behind him, watching him, hating him. Svetlana was always there, always just watching. She always looked like she was plotting his murder.

Mandy looked exhausted, deep shadows were under his eyes, she didn't bother to hide them with Make-up. She apparently didn't sleep last night, and Ian wondered why. Yesterday Terry was finally arrested, wouldn't that mean, that Mandy could finally sleep peacefully at night?

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