22 - You aren't my brother anymore

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Sorry this took so long. I had my midterms. Wish me luck I passed them.


Chapter 22 - You aren't my brother anymore

The car ride home was completely silent.
Lip didn't even make a comment about the traffic.
Ian just stared down at his fingers.

Lip felt guilty.
It was a relatively new feeling for the Gallagher.
He was still certain, that he had to protect Ian from making a big mistake, from going with Mickey. But he felt fucking guilty.

He had never liked Mickey, called him a parasite, never bothered to get to know the person that his brother loved so much. He had sent this person to his deathbed and his brother into a depression.

For what?

His ego? His pride? Because he thought someone like Mickey didn't deserve to live in his house, to talk to him the way he did, to be with Ian?

He had seen that run-down house, that desperate sister, those barbaric brothers, the hopeless Russian. He had heard the silence in a bar that probably was always loud otherwise, the cocking of a gun from a man losing his little brother and the broken voice of a girl losing her everything.

He had thought about people like these as so much less deserving of what he had. They were thieves and criminals and parasites – but why? Because there was no other way.
Lip hated himself for having to learn this the hard way and dragging his brother and an innocent family down with him.

They arrived at the Gallagher house.

After the southside, it seemed even bigger, even whiter.

Ian got out of the car as soon as Lip stopped, the older Gallagher followed his little brother slowly to the front door.

"Ian? Lip? Is that you?", they heard Fiona's voice as soon as they closed the door.
The brunette woman came into sight and seemed disappointed to see that it were only the two of them. She looked at Ian and his sad expression and pulled him into a hug.

Ian didn't respond, he just stood there, completely exhausted.

Fiona led them both to the living room, where the other siblings sat doing their homework.

"You're back!", Debbie exclaimed, "Did Mickey come back too?"
Fiona shook her head, she made both boys sit down on the couch.

"What happened?", Fiona asked.

Lip looked at Ian, who just kept staring into nothingness, completely silent.
So, Lip spoke instead.

"We found Mickey's house. We met his sister and his brothers... Mickey... is in hospital."
Fiona's mouth opened slightly, "Why-"
"His dad. Apparently, Mickey tried to fight him or something and... it didn't end well for Mickey. But I promised his siblings that we will take care of the bills and... could you ask Jimmy's dad to send the best specialist to treat Mickey?"

Fiona nodded, "Yeah, of course. We'll pay for all of it, the poor boy. I'll talk to Jimmy as soon as I can."
Debbie and Carl didn't really understand what was going on.

"Mickey is in hospital?", Carl asked sadly.
"Can we visit him?", Debbie asked.
"No, Debbs... I'm sorry, but you can't visit him. He is ICU and... it's unclear if he will make it"

That's when Ian cracked.
The redheaded Gallagher started crying. Thick tears were rolling over his face and he sobbed and put his head into his hands.

Fiona pulled him into her arms, trying to comfort him.
"It's okay Ian. We will make sure the best doctors take care of Mickey. He will be okay again-"
"No", Ian cried, "He's gonna die, Fi. He's gonna die and it's my fault.", he cried hysterically.
"Shht", she tried to calm him, he rubbed over his back, but it didn't help.

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