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Ian spent his graduation day in the hospital with Mickey.
The Milkovich would soon be released and until then Ian showed up every day to see him.

Mickey grinned at him when he came into the room in his robe and the graduation hat.

"Look at you all grown up with your higher education hat", Mickey grinned.
Ian smiled and kissed him.
"Are you wearing anything under that thing?", he asked and ran his hand over the robe.

"Which answer do you want to hear?", he smirked and kissed him again. He sat next to his hospital bed and put his hat on Mickeys head.
"Looks good on you", he smiled.

Mickey rolled his eyes and took it from his head again, "Don't be silly."
Ian chuckled, "I can't wait til you're finally released from this place."

"You'll survive those few days"
"If you say so", he took his hand, "I miss you"
"You see me every day"
"I miss you the rest of the time", he shrugged, "So, did you think about what we will do when you get out?"

"What do you mean?", Mickey asked confused.
"Well, since your dad is in prison, you and Mandy don't need to run away anymore..."
"I know"
"But I don't want you to go back to the Southside"
"What aren't you falling for it's rustic charm?", Mickey smirked.

"I want you to move in with me", Ian said finally, "Mandy too, if you want."

Mickey scoffed, "you've got some nerve if you think I'd ever step into that house."
Ian rolled his eyes "One, Lip isn't even there the majority of time. Two, I didn't talk about the house."

Mickey raised his eyebrows. Ian smiled and got a key out of his pocket.
"Apartment, not too fancy so you'd feel uncomfortable, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, great living room and a big kitchen just for you."

"You bought a three bedroom apartment without even knowing if I'd say yes?"
Ian shrugged, "Rented, not bought. In case you would say yes, I want to have everything done and ready for you by the time you get out. Except if you want to walk through Ikea with me for 10 hours on end and decide what we buy for our place."

Mickey looked at the keys that Ian let dangle in front of him.
"Our place, huh?"
Ian nodded.
Mickey smiled, "That sounds great, actually."
"Yeah... I'm gonna move in with you", he grinned at him, "But you will fucking taking me to Ikea with you, can't let you decide everything about our apartment."

Ian laughed and kissed him deeply
"I love you so much"
"I love you too", Mickey whispered and kissed him again.


2 years later

Ian came home from med school.
Yes, med school, after Mickey finally woke up out of his coma, Ian decided to become a doctor so he could help people like Mickey.

Mandy and Mickey both went to therapy and Mandy worked as a social worker now.
She lived with them but recently found a boyfriend and was at his place most of the time.

Svetlana and Mickey's brothers arranged with the fact that Mickey wouldn't let Ian go. Svetlana still didn't trust Ian 100%, but she did her best to be nice to Ian, so Mickey could be happy.

Ian found Mickey sitting at their kitchen table.
"Hey Mick", he smiled, "Had fun with Liam today?", kissed his cheek before going up to fridge to get something to drink.
Mickey often got Liam from school, hit the park or an ice cream place with him and brought him home to the Gallagher house. Ian was glad that Mickey still had a tight bond with the youngest Gallagher. He also was good with Debbie and Carl, whenever Ian could get Mickey to go to the Gallagher house, Mickey would cook with the children and share a few laughs with Fiona.

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