7 - The big G

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God I don't even know why I needed so long for this.
It's short and not even good -.-
But in case you didn't yet - check out my OS book 😉

By the way my birthday was on Monday and I'm finally 18 🥃👌🏻


Chapter 7- The Big G

Mickey walked up the stairs in Joeys place.
He jumped over the broken steps that seemed to give in every second now -stone or not - and finally reached the door leading to the rooftop.

Mandy sat leaned against a door and smoked a cigarette.
The second she laid eyes on her brother she jumped up and ran to him.

Mickey hugged her tightly, it's been months since they saw each other for the last time.
"It's good to see you" Mickey mumbled and hid his face in her shoulder.
"'Are you okay?"

Mandy nodded smiling.
"What about you? Why did you want to see me?"
"Stupid question, because you're my sister" Mickey chuckled nervously and walked up to the place Mandy had put the beer at.

"You said, you wanted to talk about something important" she reminded him on his SMS.
"Have a beer first alright?"

Mandy looked at him warily and sat down next to her brother.
They had a beer and Mandy started telling her a story about Iggy and Colin getting drunk at the Alibi and winning 200 bucks in a bet that they immediately drank away again.

"I have to tell you something" Mickey said eventually.
"Ah, finally. So, spit it out!"

Mickey bit his lip.
He never told Mandy about being gay, he didn't even know why. Svetlana was the only one who knew but... He felt like his sister had to know as well, just their dad couldn't know.
But Mandy... she was his favourite sibling and he was sure that she would understand.

"Come on, tell me" Mandy smiled.
"I... him," he swallowed hard, shit, it was harder than he thought. He envied those Instagram and Tumblr kids that could just out themselves through jokes.
But the whole thing wasn't really something you could joke about. Especially not in the south side.

"I'm gay" he whispered and quickly took a gulp from his beer.
"Oh" was the only response he got and for a few minutes they just say there in silence.

"Really?" She asked eventually.
"Yeah" he breathed, and Mandy leaned against his shoulder "Gay, with a big G"
That made Mandy giggle and the Milkovich brother smiled at the sound.

"Since when do you know that already?"
"Since I was 15, I guess"
"And you only tell me now? Shithead!" She playfully hit his arm, "So what, do you like shopping now? Go to the hairdresser with me and have some sister-brother mani-pedi-action?"
"Fuck off" Mickey chuckled.
"We could go to Chicago Pride together"
Mickey just shook his head.

"Another thing... I told you I live in those northside houses and like... clean stuff, cook and all that shit..."
"Yeah, still can't imagine that, you washing undies" she giggled again.

"I'm not. That's the thing, I lied... I uh, Ihavesexwiththem"

Mandy looked at him confused while he stared at his nails in shame.
"I sleep with old pervs and they let me live with them... And give me money..."

Mandy's look went sad.
"Mickey... you don't... I didn't know... God, shit, you don't have to do that, there are other ways to make money"
"It's alright. It's not as bad as it sounds. Besides... you have to endure far worse, so no fucks given, really"

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