6 - there's an 'us' now? [smut]

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Chapter 6 - There's an 'us' now?

The next day, Ian skipped school.
He pretended to be sick, not that anyone in the house would care, he could decide on his own, whether school was too important right now to miss one day.

He waited in the kitchen for Mickey to get up.
The tired Milkovich boy rubbed his eyes when he entered the room. He, untypically for him around this time, was fully covered in long sleeved shirt and sweatpants.

"Hey Mickey", Ian drew his attention to him.
"The fuck are you doing here, army? Go to school.", he walked to the fridge, "You've got a chance on your damn education, at least use it"
"What's up with you?", Ian asked him and followed him.
"What do you mean?", he avoided his eyes.

"You're weird since yesterday... you don't even look at me... did I do something wrong?"
Mickey rubbed his eyebrow and sighed.
"Fuck, no. That's the point, you're fucking gorgeous. If your dad finds out, that we had sex, he's gonna throw me out. That can't happen"
He swallowed and passed Ian, leaving the kitchen to go upstairs again.

"Mickey, wait", he called and ran after him.
He grabbed his wrist and made him stop, they were standing in front of Ian's bedroom door.
"Wait a moment..." he pulled him close and let his hand slide from his wrist into Mickey's hand, holding it, "Frank's oblivious. We can do whatever we want, he won't...", he trailed off, suddenly remembering, that he was supposed to sleep with Mickey, so Lip could snitch to Frank and get Mickey out of the house. But maybe he could stop the plan, he could talk to Lip... he didn't want Mickey to leave yet.

"Yesterday was amazing, you really wanna say, that you don't want to do it again?"
Mickey looked up at him and back at their intervened fingers.
"I can't...", he whispered.
"You can", Ian nodded and leaned their foreheads together, they remained in this position a bit; holding hands, leaned against each other. After a few seconds without further protest from Mickey, Ian leaned down and kissed him.

They kissed slowly at first, Ian begged Mickey with this kiss and Mickey tried to resist, but he couldn't.
They let go of their hands and Mickey wrapped his hands around Ian's neck.

They stumbled into the gingers room, falling on the bed together.

Wet kissing noises were falling from their lips while Ian slowly pushed Mickey's shirt up, revealing more of his pale skin inch by inch.
It was a lot slower than yesterday, when they just ripped their clothes off and fucked.
Ian lifted the shirt over Mickey's head and pulled his own off, before going back to kissing the Milkovich.

Mickey ran his hands over Ian's back and dug his fingernails into his shoulders, when Ian kissed his way down over his neck and collarbone to his chest, licking around his nipple.
Mickey had never had time to experiment for himself, never had time to explore what he actually liked and how.

Fucking a dude in the Southside was really just that – fucking. You stick it in, you fuck, you pull it out and you don't even talk about it all too much. There was hardly ever a bed, and never time for nipple pinching, ass eating or any other stuff.
And for his sugar daddies he did everything they wanted the way they wanted it and acted like he liked it. He didn't had time or opportunity to find out if he actually liked some of those things.

Ian now seemed to be determined on finding out what Mickey liked – paying attention to his nipples was a big yes in that department.
The ginger worked his way down his body until he reached his sweats and pulled them down, while holding eye contact with Mickey.
A smile crept up Ian's face when he noticed Mickey not wearing briefs underneath.
The ginger licked his lips and grasped his cock, jerking it a few times before licking the length up and down, still looking into Mickey's blue eyes.

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