4 - Rockstar

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The picture above just describes the whole situation between Mickey, Liam and Lip in this FanFiktion


Chapter 4 - Rockstar

Mickey stared at the headboard of Frank's bed. His body jerking for- and backwards from Frank's hard thrusts, fake moans falling from the younger boy's mouth.
Frank was drunk, so he didn't notice Mickey being a little off his game tonight.

After Frank filled the condom and Mickey tensed up in slight disgust, while praising Frank for getting himself off, the older man fell in bed next to him.
"Do you need me for anything else, daddy?", Mickey said in his innocent voice. He needed a shower, like, now.
"No, little one, go to bed, have a good night sleep", Frank mumbled.

Mickey shook his head and pulled his pants and shirt back on and slipped out of the room.
He took a deep breath, he needed a cigarette and a shower.

He suddenly heard a soft crying noise from one of the stairs. He knew that the girl's and Liam's room was upstairs and down here, he, Ian, Lip and Frank lived.
Mickey walked into the direction of the noise.
On the bottom step he found the smallest of the Gallagher children sitting under the last of the little lamps lighting up the staircase.

"Hey, little man, what are you doing here?", Mickey whispered.
The boy looked up at him and made grabby hands at him.
"Alright, Rockstar, we'll get you back to bed now"

He scooted the toddler up and carried him upstairs. He hadn't been in that part of the house yet. One of the doors was open, so Mickey guess it was Liam's room.
The boy was hardly three years old and his room was bigger than Mickeys, at his house.
"Dark", Liam mumbled.
Mickey looked for the light switch and squinted his eyes shut when the room was lit up.
"That's too much light, isn't it?", he asked Liam, who hid his face in Mickeys shirt.

He walked over to Liam's crib, next to it was little night light. He tried to switch it on and off, but nothing happened.
"Your nightlight is broken, is that why you were out of bed?"
"Too much light", Liam mumbled.
"Alright, here is what we do", Mickey walked over and turned the light back off, then he got his phone out of his jeans, a curtesy from Roger, and put the flashlight on it on.
He put the phone next to the broken nightlight and put Liam down in his crib.

"That better? That okay?"
Liam lay back down, nodding slightly.
"Okay, good night Rockstar", he mumbled and took the nightlight with him when he walked back down to his room.


Mickey woke up from loud noises.
He was living in the house for a couple of weeks now and they always had to be so goddamn noisy in the morning. He wondered how Frank could sleep through it.

He rubbed his eyes and turned around on his back.
He decided, he could eat and crawled out of his bed and took the broken nightlight.

The grumpy Milkovich walked into the busy kitchen.
"Hey, is this your phone?", one of them asked and he was too lazy to recognise who.
"Why was it in Liam's room?"

Mickey shrugged.
"Kid sat on the stairs last night crying, his room was too dark because his nightlight was broken", he mumbled and snatched his phone out of Ian's hand.
"Yeah, we wanted to buy a new one for ages, sometimes it's working, sometimes not, then it goes off suddenly", Fiona explained.

Mickey shrugged and sat the nightlight on the kitchen table.
Lip took it and turned it on and off a few times.
"You fixed it?"
"Fucking Northsider's, buy new stuff instead of twisting a fucking wire", he sneered and shook his head, that was already enough interaction with them for his liking, so he walked back upstairs and decided to wait with his breakfast until the lazy children were gone.

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