25 - Love

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Chapter 25 – Love

3 months later

Ian sat in an exam, the last one, finally. Graduation was so close, he could practically taste it.

Mickey has been in a coma for the past 10 months.
10 months, Ian wondered, how he had survived this time without him at all.

A lot happened in those ten months, Terry was behind bars and the Gallaghers made sure he would stay there, the Milkoviches all testified against him. Lip was off to College shortly after Mickey fell into his coma and Ian had refused contact since then. Because Lip wasn't in the house, Mandy was there a few times, Fiona had invited her for dinner or to spend a day or two with them. She had also invited her brothers, but they refused to come near the house, especially Jamie.

Ian finished his last answer and sighed. He finally made it. This was it... he had put every ounce of strength that he didn't leave at Mickey's hospital bed into his studies. He wanted to have a good degree – for Mickey. He would do something real where he could help people instead of fighting in a war – because that is what Mickey would want for him.

Ian got up and handed his answers in, he took his stuff and left the room.
A few of his friends stood outside the exam building smoking.
"Hey Ian, how was it?"
"Alright I guess", he shrugged.
His friends came to term with Ian not being so talkative anymore since Mickey was in hospital.

"Okay, see, we have a party tonight at Caleb's, celebrating that we have all the exams behind us, care to join?"
"Don't know, I'll go to the hospital now and see if I'm up for partying later.", he mumbled and got his phone out.
"The hospital... still no progress?"
Ian shook his head, he switched his phone back on.

Ian frowned when a dozen messages plopped up on his screen as soon as it was back on. The messages were all from Mandy, the girl had also called him a few times.
"Shit", he mumbled.
"Mandy tried to reach me, what... what if something happened to mickey?", he whispered and unlocked his phone to look at the messages that were sent three whole hours ago.

Mandy: mickey woke up!

Mandy: are you coming?

Mandy: or not?

Mandy: ????

Mandy: why is your phone switched off dumbass???

Mandy: get your ass here

Mandy: he didn't ask for you yet, you better come before he does!!!

Ian almost dropped his phone.
"What?", one of his friends asked, "Is everything okay?"
"He woke up", Ian whispered, "Sorry guys, I have to go", he said while already heading towards the street.
"Hey, Ian wait! I'll drive you, come on!", one of the guys yelled and ran after him.


Ian ran through the hallways and pretty much stormed into Mickey's hospital room.

All eyes on the room were on him immediately.
Mickey's brothers, Mandy, Svetlana, Kev, V and their daughters... and Mickey. He sat between them, in his bed, looking at him surprised.

He was awake... he was alive.
Mickey lived

Despite the partly hateful looks he slowly approached the bed, Mickey's eyes followed him. His hair was mess, he looked pale and thin and a big scar went from his cheek to his ear. Apart from that, he seemed okay.

"You are late", Svetlana spat.
"I... I'm sorry, I had an exam and had to shut my phone off...", he mumbled, not daring to tear his eyes away from Mickey, afraid he might fall back into his come when he stopped looking at him.

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