13- some people don't get money shoved down their throats just for breathing

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This is my favourite Chapter title in this I think

And let's be honest this was one of Emmy's best scenes! So powerful, so amazing!


Chapter 13 - Some People don't get Money shoved down their throats just for breathing!

During his childhood Mickey was always able to play the tough guy. He wasn't scared of anything, could to everything.
People were scared of him. Whenever some random guy was to treat Mandy badly, Mickey and his brothers would beat him up.

The young Milkovich build up a reputation in the south side, he wouldn't even stop when it came to the one teacher that molested Mandy, he threatened the principal when he was about to suspend Mickey, he once beat up an undercover cop and made him swear to keep his mouth shut, because he was supposed to snitch on Mickeys small drug business.

Also, he was friends with Svetlana, the cold Russian had a reputation herself. Tons of stories went round in the south side about her, and only Mickey knew which ones were true.
Some said, she was a Russian spy, here to take down the government.
Some thought, she had tried to take over the power in Russia and failed and came to America.
Some were sure, she killed her whole family, set her old house on fire, faked her death and swam from Russia to America (some idiots even thought, she rode on the back of a shark over the pacific).
Others had a whole conspiracy theory, that she was actually American, killed her family, burned her house down, faked her death and now just acted like she was Russian.
So overall, people were in love with the Idea of Svet being a serial killer with a secret identity.

No one would ever dare to mess with either of them.
No one except Terry. He was the only thing Mickey was afraid of, his presence made his blood freeze in his veins, every time he dealt with him, he wasn't the rough south side thug, he was just a seven year old kid who had found his mother dead in her bed.
Terry had that power over him, and Mickey hated him even more for that.

So, Mickey knew bad parents. He knew what a bad father looked like. But his childhood and past sometimes made him forget that there are different kinds of bad parents. That other children maybe weren't beaten up every day but still had it bad.
And it angered him, that he forgot others pain over his own, and belittled it, because it was what he accused the northsider's of doing.

Monica Gallagher was driving the Gallagher children crazy.
She spent so much money in such short time on the kids, that Mickey wondered, how long it would take Frank to be broke.

She bought Debbie a car full of expensive dolls.
Mickey had just raised his eyebrow at her when she had brought some of them over into Liam's room, where Mickey had played with him at the time.
"How many of those did she get you?"
"Too many, and I couldn't bring myself to tell her, that I'm not into dolls anymore" she had sighed, "Hey Liam, do you want to play with the doll? Yeah, I've got twenty more of those."

The little girl was sad and upset and couldn't even tell her mom she didn't want the dolls, because she was scared Monica would leave again, at the same time she didn't want Monica to be here.
Mickey had bitten his lip and sighed when he had looked at her.

"Hey Debbie... don't be upset, you can turn this into something good" he had said after a while and couldn't believe his own words. Mickey was never optimistic, ever. He was the polar opposite, actually, but he had wanted to cheer the little girl up, she was nice, she didn't deserve to be so upset because of her mom.

"What good could there be about wasted money and a bunch of dolls nobody wants?"
"Donate them" Mickey had shrugged "Do you know how many girls in my neighbourhood would want such a doll but can't ever have one? Maybe it's not money or food or clothes, things they would actually need, but at least you could make some kids happy." He had shrugged.
Debbie had looked at the doll in her hand.
"Yeah, that sounds good. I want to do that. Do you know how?"
"I could look it up or you ask your siblings."
Debbie had nodded "I also have clothes I don't wear anymore; do you think the poor kids would want them too?"
"Sure" Mickey had smiled when the ginger girl had grinned widely and ran down the stairs.

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