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"You know what the worst part about all this is, Tom?" I ask while seated next to the bed and watching my helpless victim struggle to break the restraining tape. "And to be clear, I don't mean the situation you're in, that part's fucking lit. I'm talking about this whole killing people thing as a whole."

All he offers is a muffled response under the tape. I mean, to be fair, I can't really blame him for that. I did gag him exactly so he couldn't make noise. But let's face it, serial killers don't really care about fairness. And this guy clearly didn't give a shit about what I wanted when he slipped that powder into my drink at the club. Nor when he thought I was drinking it.

"It's rude not to answer when a lady asks you a question!" I say leaning over and grabbing a hammer off the nightstand. I stand up off the chair and hover over him, letting him take in my naked body.

"I guess we're going to have to teach you a lesson." I raise the hammer and bring it down as hard as I can on his chest. The sound of his ribs shattering brings a smile to my face. His muffles for mercy are now muffles of agony. Or at least I assume they're muffles of agony. It's hard to tell, given the gag and all. Whatever they are, they're making me so wet.

"Now," I say, placing the hammer back on the nightstand before sitting back down and touching myself a little, "as I was saying while you so rudely ignored me, the worst part of this is that it's fucking lonely. I mean, they all talk about psychopaths having no desire for company. And I'm sure that's true for some. But to put us all in one category is to fucking stereotype all of us. I'm still human. I still have needs and desires that I can't satisfy on my own, you know?"

Again, no answer. He's still just writhing in pain. Is he even listening? Or is he just selfishly focused on his own problems? How rude of him. How could he consider the fact he's being murdered by a psycho bitch more important than my love life? I briefly consider bringing the hammer down again but he's clearly already in pain. No sense wasting my energy.

"You may find this hard to believe," I confide in him, "but I'm actually a virgin. It's not that men haven't wanted me as you can attest. But there's never been anyone I actually wanted to do it with, you know? It's not that I'm asexual per se, I get turned on and all. But only when I have this," I motion from his head to feet. "This is what turns me on. And unless I had a man I actually felt like fucking, meaning, not you, here to share this with me, I would just find it boring."

His muffled groans revert to what sound like pleas for mercy. I look him right in the eye and smile. "Tom, Tom, Tom. Even if I wanted to let you go, and trust me, I don't, I couldn't. I've been talking to you like a James Bond villain. You may not know all my secrets, but you sure know enough to cause problems. And you men never know when to shut up."

My words do nothing to quiet his completely incomprehensible begging. I sigh. "Well, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the subject of letting you go. But if it's not too much trouble, I would like to go back to talking about my problems now."

More muffles. Jesus, this guy's annoying.

"I mean, I have friends," I decide to continue, despite the noise, while leaning back in my seat, "but they don't know about my little hobby here." I pause and wonder if it's better to call this a hobby or passion before deciding it's not important. "Now, personally," I go on, "I don't think it's wrong what I do. If we really think about it, this is all on you." I stand up and run my finger nails along his exposed, bloody flesh, noting his dick seems to be getting hard. I reach over and test just how hard it is. I grin. It's rock solid. I look back at his face "As I was saying, you know what you did. I merely turned the tables."

His face turns red, as if with embarrassment, prompting me to laugh again. "What is it with you men? Why is it so hard for you to accept a woman could have gotten the better of you? Not that I find my female victims any less fun mind you."

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