Birthday shopping [Chapter 1]

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Hey guyysss!!!

First, I wanna thank you all for reading this, it means the world :) It's my first fanfic and hopefuly you will like/love it and maybe send some positive feedback? :) Thanks again! Luv ya! xxx




I came back to my house and slammed the door shut. The house was empty, my family went to a vacation, but I refused to go with them. I sat against the wall and burst in tears. I was all messed up but I didn't care. It's been three days since my boyfriend John was missing. Where the hell was he? I was trying to convince myself that he was fine, he probably needed some break, but obviously failing, I didn't beleive it at all, deep inside me, a little inner voice was telling me that something was wrong. Really, really wrong. I layed on the couch and closed my eyes breathing deeply. My attempt to calm down didn't work at all. My cheeks were probably stained and my eyes were probably- wait, no, I was sure they were red. I didn't need a mirror to know I looked like death. A loud noise interrupted my thoughts.




Someone was knocking on the door. I ran over hoping I see John, but no, when I opened the door, two policemen showed up.

''Chrissa Bryan?''

They asked. I nodded frightened. Did they bring any news about John?

''I'm agent Morgan, and this is agent Cline. We're from the FBI. We came to tell you that we found your boyfriend.''

I looked at them confused. If they did, why wasn't he with them? Agent Cline continued talking.

''His...blood actually.''

I just stood there staring at the two agents with disbeleif. Did that mean he was...? My eyes widened. Agent Morgan looked at the ground, then again at me, and started whispering.

''I'm so sorry miss.''


''We're so sorry about your lost...''

I fell on my knees. Tears streamed down my face. My heart was beating faster than ever! No! It couldn't be! Not John! He wouldn't leave me like this! No! He couldn't be dead! I raised my head slowly. 

''Can I see him? I mean his...body...''

''Um...well, actually, we didn't find his body, just lots of his blood, but I assure you miss, nobody can survive after loosing that much blood. There's no way he could be alive. I'm so sorry, Chrissa, but would you come to the police station so we can ask you few questions?''

I nodded and left the house together with the agents, still shaking.


‘’C’mon Christi, we’ll be late.’’ My sister’s voice came out of the living room.

 ‘’So, what?’’

‘’If you don’t hurry up the stores will close.’’

‘’I don’t care, Amy.’’ I shook my head as I sat next to her.

‘’Of course you do. C’mon, it’s saturday night, we don’t have to go shopping if you don’t want to. We can just hang out in some club. Maybe you’ll find someone for you.’’  She winked at me. I pretended to be confused, but I knew exactly what she’s talking about. My eyes watered, and I did my best to keep the tears back, but I couldn’t.

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