Chapter 1

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Four fucking weeks.

Jennie could NOT believe her mother was making her do this. When the hell did her mother find out about this anyway? As far as Jennie knew, she destroyed all school correspondence long before it found its way to her mother, whose parenting was errant at the best of times. So how in the hell had she found out about 'school camp'?

Ugh. It was beneath her, really. Jennie Kim, queen of cool, stuck for four weeks with the rest of the schlubs from her year. And that included Krystal, queen bitch, and her little posse of under-clowns. Could this get any more humiliating? Four weeks away from civilization, decent food, decent coffee (Oh, God!), decent clothes and, theoretically, from any alcohol. At least Jennie trusted that school camp would uphold its reputation of indecency and supply some of the last.

At least Kai was coming. And she was not, under any circumstances, with no amount of persuading, going to venture in a canoe. Anyone who thought that would happen had some very hard, sharp lessons coming to them at near light speed.

Jennie growled, folding her arms and leaning back against a tree, watching the rest of the world assemble at the buses that would take them away. She scuffed the dirt with her trainers and watched her bag, lest some magical sprite come and spirit it away. She was just building up to the level of grumpiness that demanded a tantrum when she felt a bump on her arm and looked up to find Kai, grinning down on her, backpack attached to his rear.

"Ha, I knew they'd crack you eventually. Becoming a joiner?" he teased, knowing full well what the truth of the matter was.

Jennie thwacked him in the stomach hard enough to hear an 'ugh', and smirked.

"I consider it an opportunity to practice all my great escape routines, and find newts to put in Krystal's drinking water," she retorted.

Kai grinned. Since his girlfriend had been so easily stolen by the farmer hick from Ohio, he and Jennie had been hanging nearly 24/7. He still had to admit some feelings for Krystal, but he was still pissed off enough that if a newt were to be found, well, he'd look the other way.

"Newt? Jennie, I don't think you know what a newt looks like, let alone where to find one, and like you'd touch one anyway."

"Shut it, Dennison. I'm not in a good mood." Jennie pushed off from the tree and sighed dramatically. Kai just grinned.

Man, this was going to suck!

In the end she clambered on the bus, a late escape plot having been foiled by an overweight math teacher and Kai, who was enjoying this way to much to let it go. She dumped herself in a seat about halfway up the bus, and immediately brought her legs up, blocking the other half of the seat. Damned if she was going to sit next to anyone. Still spitting mad, she concentrated on her nails, as the bus slowly filled. Krystal and her hangers-on ended up towards the back

Uh, so cool, thought Jennie, sarcasm dripping in her mind.

To her disgust, Kai found himself a seat with one of his basketball buddies a few rows over.

Oh well. More seat for me.

The bus was near bursting point when the last passenger arrived. It was only when the stranger stopped by her seat that Jennie looked up. Serious brown eyes in an angel's face, framed by beautiful tresses of long honey-purple hair stared back at her. For a moment, Jennie was speechless. The epithet she had prepared died on her tongue. The girl smiled shyly.

"Uh, hi. Can I sit here?" She gestured around the bus with a tilt of her head. "Everywhere else is taken".

Jennie looked around. Indeed, all the other seats were full, and hers was the only one with a single occupant. She hesitated for a split second, then moved her legs aside.

The purple haired slid into the seat next to her, smile widening on her face.

"I'm Jisoo", she said, extending her hand.

"Jennie", replied Jen, shaking the hand, a little uncertainly. As she did so, she felt a frisson of electricity run up her arm.

Aw hell, she thought, this could be fun.

* *©clomle44* *

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