Chapter 27

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Rating: A for angsty. More angst than you can shake a stick at, with some snuggling and kissing.

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Jennie mumbled in her waking moments and her arms tightened around the form that was snuggled up against her.


She let her eyes open slowly, taking in the mess of purple haired tresses that were in front of her, and for a second enjoying the feel of the lithe body pushed back against her own. The girl she was head-over-heels in love with was still asleep, and her body was warm and comfortable.

Careful not to disturb the sleeping form she was curved around, Jen squinted in the dark and let her eyes adjust, finding the clock on the wall. It was three am. She considered moving, getting away from the warmth pressed up against her. But this was the one and only time she could find to be in agreement with her head.

This may never happen again. Just lie back and enjoy it, because the morning is going to be hell.

Oh God, how true. Settling down, she pulled Jisoo in closer, hugging her form to the girl in front of her and nuzzling. She heard a contented sigh and smiled. At least Jisoo was at peace for a while. Probably a good thing because, no matter how they ran it, the morning was definitely going to be hell.

She woke up early and first, which was unusual for Jennie.

Maybe the gods switched you with someone else in the middle of the night. I'd check the mirror if I were you. Knowing your luck, you'll be Scott Bakula.

Jisoo was still asleep, curled up in a little ball and making small purring noises. It was interminably cute and Jennie smiled briefly, before all of the fall-out from the night before came flooding back.


She dressed and got coffee. She stayed downstairs, entirely unsure if she could face Jisoo. The purple haired had just collapsed. She'd thrown up a few more times, and Jennie had been inclined to join her, although she'd held back. Afterwards, she'd just sort of laid on Jennie's bed, twitching, until the brunette held her. And then she'd just lain there in Jennie's arms twitching until her breathing stilled and she was asleep.

Today, there would be words. There would have to be words. Or that would be the end of everything. Jennie was so confused herself. The things she'd done last night, she wasn't proud of. She was almost two people. The strong one for Jisoo, and the weak, pathetic one for herself.

You're really not that bad, you know. She's not the first girl you've fucked against a wall outside a club.

Jennie shuddered with the thought. It might not have been the first time but she didn't feel any better about it. It had barely been consensual, although she felt it erred on the side of yes. It had been dirty and awful and, no matter how much she showered, there was a layer of grime on her skin that wouldn't lift.

The flush of a toilet upstairs startled Jennie out of her self-hating inner tirade and back into reality and the cold, hard, flat reality of the morning. Sighing, she poured the last of the now-cold coffee down the sink and slowly walked up the stairs.

For weeks, all she'd wanted to do was catch a glimpse of the purple haired. To lay her eyes on that beautiful face and know for a second that they were meant to be together. Now that Jisoo was upstairs, her feet were made of lead. Each lift to get to the next step was a mammoth effort. She made the journey anyway.

Jisoo was sitting on the end of the bed. Not quite the ball of misery she had been the night before, but still pale as hell. She was fingering the edge of the bedspread, rumpled and used, looking very unsure of herself.

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