Chapter 18

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The silence around the dinner table was deafening. Jennie was holding her breath, while Jin continued to cough a little, food still stuck in his mouth. What should she say?

Yup, THAT Jennie Kim: lesbian, freak, and very sexy. Excuse me, but I have to take your sister upstairs for a second. Aw heck, forget upstairs, what's wrong with the dining room table right now? Okay, now she was panicking.

"Jin, don't be so rude!" Mr. Kim interjected. "Pass the potatoes please, Jisoo."

And the moment passed. Joon and Mr. Kim thankfully started up a random conversation, although it was obviously a cover-up. It took Jisoo a few minutes to recover but, when she did, she joined in the talk, eager to change the topic again. Only Jennie and Jin stayed relatively silent, Jennie with her heart pounding in her chest and Jin with a strange look in his eye.

After dinner, Jennie managed to still her fear and anger long enough to help with the dishes. It was the sort of thing she'd normally never do, but somehow it felt like the right thing to do in this context. It earned her a smile and squeeze on the shoulder from Mr. Kim and a lopsided grin from Jisoo. Clean-up finished, the purple haired grabbed her hand, spinning Jennie around and pulling her from the room as quickly as possible.

Jennie barely caught Jisoo calling over her shoulder, "Going to my room, Dad!"

"Okay, but don't make it too late, though. It's a school night," Jisoo's father called back from the kitchen.

Hitting Jisoo's room, Jennie fell on the bed, covering her eyes with her hands and groaning. She listened as Jisoo closed the door and then spoke to the ceiling.

"I can't believe Jin almo-"

"Hey, what do you think the history test is going to be on tomorrow?" Jisoo interrupted, walking to her computer and flipping it open. Jennie sat up, staring at the purple haired. Okay, clearly the topic of Jin was now off-limits.

"Uh, I don't really know. I don't take history with you." Jennie was cautious with her reply. She desperately wanted to know what was going on in the other girl's head but was too afraid to ask.

Chicken. Bok bok bekerk.

"Oh, yeah." Jisoo sounded distant.

"Jis," Jennie dug deep down inside for some courage, "do you want to talk about wh-"

"I think that's my mom pulling up," Jisoo said, flipping the curtain open and cutting Jennie off again. The brunette got up off the bed and straightened her clothing.

"I'm gonna head home, Jis."

Jisoo wheeled around to face her and bit her lip. "You don't have to go," she said softy.

"Yeah, I really do," Jennie replied. She didn't know what was going on, but she also wasn't about to hang around while her friend pretended that nothing was. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" She left before Jisoo could say anything. Thanking Mr. Kim on the way out, she had already got into her car before she ran back inside and threw her arms around the purple haired.

You really need to get a grip, Kim. When was the last time a girl got under your skin like this?' Never.

If things were awkward between Jennie and Jisoo the next day, it was only because they couldn't find anything to talk about. The uncomfortable silence was even noticed by Kai who furrowed his brow and asked, "What's up with you guys today?"

He got a chorus of 'nothing' in reply. Giving up in typical Kai fashion, he kept up a conversation almost single-handedly. After it became clear that there was going to be very little input from the other two, he gave up.

"I'm going to find Kyungsoo." He stood, looking at the others pointedly. "You two need to sort out this little tiff because it's boring." He left.

Jennie looked away from the girl sitting near her until the pain in her chest felt like it was burning her. She lifted her head to find Jisoo regarding her.

"Are you mad at me?" the purple haired asked, clearly afraid of the answer she might receive.

"No," said Jennie stubbornly. "I just -"

"You just what?" Jisoo pushed after waiting for a continuation. Jennie looked at her.

"I just want to know we're okay," she finished, a little lamely. She watched the other girl play with a blade of grass while considering her answer.

"I'm okay," she began carefully. "Are you?"

"So long as we are," Jennie answered in a rush. "I... D'you wanna hang today after school?" She was desperate to get everything back to normal and she really didn't mind sweeping it all under the carpet so long as they were okay.

Liar. You want to know what's going on inside her head. And you want to BE what's going on inside her head. Jisoo was the only thing in Jennie's head these days.

"I can't. Dad's taking us out shopping. I'm sorry." Jisoo looked it.

"It's cool."

"You can come if you like..." The purple haired looked damn cute when biting her lip.

"Naah." Jennie didn't think she could handle the tension that the Kim family was causing in her brain right now. "But, maybe Friday?"

"I'm all yours," Jisoo offered with a smile.

Damn I hope so.

"Would you -"Jennie knew she might be pushing it but, hell, she had to ask. "Would you like to stay over? Movie night or something?"

"I'd love to."

* *©clomle44* *

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