Chapter 24

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Jennie threw her book across the room in anger and wondered what the hell she was going to do for the rest of the summer. She thought briefly about descending on her father's recording company and hanging there, only he was away on tour and she'd feel weird hanging around if he wasn't around. She had planned on spending the summer with Jisoo.

That's what happens when you make plans involving other people, Kim: they change, the voice in her head dryly pointed out.

And normally Kai would be her second choice, but he WAS spending the summer with Jisoo and that didn't make her any happier. Two more months of this was almost certainly the definition of pure hell.

Yes, I'm sure they'll change the dictionary definition just for you.

The party had pissed off Jennie majorly. The day at the beach had only served to make her seethe with anger. And now she was forced to pretend to be okay around Kai. Jisoo had been avoiding her, which made life easier.

At least got to spend some time with her best friend alone, though. It would probably have been easier if Kai had ever talked about something other than the purple haired, though. Jennie occasionally had the urge to grab him by the shoulders and scream, "I fucked her. Three times. Stop kidding yourself."

But it wasn't Kai's fault. It wasn't even Jennie's fault. It was Jisoo's fault. She was making the brunette lie. She was lying to Kai, and to everyone.

But most of all to herself. You have to feel a bit sorry for her. No, no she didn't. Maybe if she wasn't hurting so much she'd feel sorry for Jisoo but Selfish Jennie was winning the cup today.

Growling, Jennie decided now was a good time to leave the house. Grabbing her bag she was half-way down the stairs when the doorbell rang.

Jesus, why did that always happen? If it was Kai with Jisoo in tow, she wasn't leaving with them. No way, no how.

It wasn't Kai. It was just Jisoo.

"Go away," Jennie said. She surprised herself. She thought she'd be a lot angrier, or at least more passionate. Instead she just said it flatly and a little sadly. She tried to close the door, but Jisoo got her foot inside.

"Jen, wait. Please." The purple haired looked so pleading and upset that Jennie nearly broke.

"No. I don't actually want to talk to you, okay?" But she didn't close the door. She didn't know why, but she didn't.

"Jennie, I'm so sorry. I know I can't change that. But, please, we need to talk."

"You lied Jisoo. To me. To Kai. And you used me. I don't even know what you used me for, but I can't forget it. Or the fact that you're using Kai now and it really fucks me up. So why don't you go find some other people to fuck with, eh?"

Jennie was shocked. She hadn't expected all that to come flying out, but now that it had, she felt like she was on a roll. Apparently the voice in her head agreed.

Way to go, Kim!

"And while we're on the topic of you fucking things up, Jisoo -" Jennie found that she was speaking now without thinking, "what the fuck did you tell Jin? That I raped you? How the fuck could you?"

"No!" Jisoo interrupted fearfully. "I would never say that. I didn't say that. I have no idea where that came from but he didn't get it from me!" She was so adamant that Jennie believed her. She'd had an inkling that the comment had been all Jin's anyway. It didn't make Jennie any less pissed off, though.

"Well, you told him something. And now you're parading Kai in his face. God, Jisoo, you're pathetic!" she spat at the purple haired.

"I know," the whisper returned. "Jennie -"

And the brunette slammed the door closed. She knew that Jisoo was still outside. She'd been lucky not to catch any part of the girl in the door when she closed it, but she didn't care. Jennie's heart was beating a million miles a second and she couldn't slow it down. She'd said everything. Well, almost everything. She'd left out the part where she was madly in love with Jisoo and her insides were breaking apart because she couldn't have her. It was probably a good thing that she'd left that out.

After pacing around her hallway for ten minutes, Jennie finally got up the guts to open her front door again. She put her hand on the handle and, with some trepidation, pushed down. She half-expected to see Jisoo standing there, but the doorstep was empty. As though fueled by some dramatic irony switch in the universe, a paper wrapper blew across the pathway. If this had been the 19th century, it would have been a tumbleweed. And it was the final nail in Jennie's lonely life.

Oh my God, will you cut the bloody melodrama! It's getting a bit much, don't you think? Either track her down and confront her or go and find a life!

Trust the voice in her head to ruin the perfect movie moment. Sigh.

Grabbing her bag, she locked the door and found her car. It was going to be a long night, if she had anything to do with it.

It wasn't somewhere Jennie went often. In fact she'd only been here once before in her life. Gay clubs weren't exactly her scene and, besides, she got enough action without them. Generally, she thought them pathetic and the people in them more so. That was fine by her tonight. She'd positively admit to being somewhat desperate.

To get her out of your head. To get the thought of her body in your hands out of your head.

She silently agreed with the voice.

Stepping into the dim lighting, she let her eyes adjust. Finding the bar she walked up and ordered a scotch. The bartender looked her up and down, and Jennie could tell that the girl was on the verge of asking for ID. She leaned across the bar and brought her arms together under her. The bartender's eyes drifted from Jennie's face, down to the cleavage that was now presented to her, almost on a plate. Jennie could have sworn the girl was visibly salivating and it brought a faint smile to her face. The scotch appeared scant seconds later.

Jennie sipped the amber liquid and leaned back against the bar, surveying the club. There didn't seem to be any decent prospects around. She was pretty sure she could take the bartender home if she wanted, but Jennie wasn't into baby dyke. Drinking her scotch slowly she watched the women around move. Then, almost like the Red Sea parting, the crowd thinned a little and she spotted a small, nervous-looking redhead on the other side of the room.


* *©clomle44* *

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