Chapter 6

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It felt like an eternity that they stared into each other's eyes. Jennie thought she might drown in the deep, deep brown of the purple haired's beautiful stare. Later, she realised it must have been mere seconds and it just felt like forever. Jisoo helped her to her feet.

"C'mon," she said, as Jennie dusted herself off. "We'd better get back before they notice we're gone. Day one is a bad day to get in trouble." Jennie made no argument and they walked back.

Jisoo stayed by her side all afternoon as they ambled slowly towards their campsite. Kai persisted in wanting to know what had happened to Jennie's elbow, but both girls kept quiet and eventually he gave up. After he scampered off again to walk with Kyungsoo, Jennie noticed Jisoo looking at her every now and then. When she turned to return the look, the purple haired would look away, pretending not have even tried. Jennie found it vaguely amusing and completely unsettling. Eventually, she gave in.

"What?" she asked, exasperated.

Jisoo started, opened her mouth, then closed it. Opened it again, and then closed it again.

Great. Now everyone's doing goldfish impressions, Jennie's inner voice continued its running commentary.

"Krystal -" Jisoo began. "She said... Back there... Something about..." The purple haired stopped, either unsure or unwilling to go on. Jennie knew what this was about.

"Being knocked up?"

Jisoo nodded. "Look, it's none of my business. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I thought it might have been a rumour you'd already heard." Jennie was greeted with a shaking head. "Kai and I used to date. Things got... complicated."

"That's complicated, all right," agreed Jisoo.

"We lost it." Short and to the point. Jisoo stopped her in the path. Jennie stared at the ground, not wanting to look the purple haired in the face in case she saw something there she didn't like or, worse, in case she let a tear that was threatening to escape actually do so. She was very taken aback when she suddenly felt strong arms pulling her into a hug. Resisting for a second, she took in the fact that Jisoo was hugging her, voluntarily, and then responded, a little shyly.

"That must have been horrible." Jisoo sounded pained, and Jennie knew it was on her behalf.

"It's okay," she reassured. "It was a while ago".


Jennie turned away and started walking. Jisoo remained behind for a moment, pensive, and then hurried to catch up. Jennie put on a smile that she didn't quite feel, and changed the topic. Jisoo still looked thoughtful but, to the brunette's relief, she didn't press on. They managed to find something else to talk about until they finally reached the campsite for the evening.

Putting up the tent turned out to be more fun than Jennie had been having all day. Jisoo, clearly amused by Jennie's ineptitude in the camping arena, tried valiantly to teach her how to erect the damn thing. Jennie felt that she and the tent were unlikely to ever be on good terms.

"Wait, I don't get it. These poles go on the inside? Then what holds the outside up?" Jennie looked confused.

Jisoo laughed. "The inside does. It just kinda sits on top."

"Is that why I got wet last night?"

Nuh-uh, Kim, that was for completely different reasons. Jennie wondered if telling the voice in her head to shut up would work. She suspected not.

"No," replied Jis. "That just happens."

Only when you're around! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!

In the end, Jennie got the right idea and managed to get the tent up almost entirely on her own, under Jisoo's excellent tutelage, of course. Feeling oddly proud of herself, she went inside to arrange her belongings. She was followed by Jisoo who set about doing the same thing.

"You must think I'm a complete idiot," Jennie smiled, indicating the tent. "It was pretty simple."

"Only if you've done it before," qualified the purple haired. "Besides, I've spent the better part of two days talking to you. You're no idiot." With that, she was gone, leaving Jennie with an emotion she couldn't quite identify.

The rest of the evening passed in much the same way that the previous one had: cards were produced; imploring for strip poker was resisted; and Krystal stayed away, possibly fearful of retribution for earlier events. During a break from the game, Jennie confessed to Kai the real reason behind her graze. It took a lot of convincing to stop him from marching over to Krystal, but Jennie managed.

"Look," she whispered fiercely, "you can go over there now and make a scene, but everyone would just find out why. I have an idea, a way to get back at her. Can't be done yet, but we can do it. Just give it some time and distance, yeah?" She grinned, a little evilly. "Revenge is a dish best served cold!"

Kai grumbled but stayed put. Sometimes he wondered what he'd ever seen in Krystal, but then she sashayed past and the motion of her hips made him remember.

It was kind of early when Jennie decided to go to bed. Saying her goodbyes, she ambled across the field, grabbing her stuff and heading for the small amenities block that - thank God - accompanied this campsite as well. Showering quickly in the lukewarm water, she raced back to the tent, chilled and tired. She stuffed herself into her sleeping bag quickly, shivering and trying to get warm, and surprisingly, fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

When Jennie awoke, groggily, she found Jisoo lying, once again, inches from her face. She'd managed to get into the tent and her sleeping bag without waking the brunette, and Jennie prayed she hadn't been snoring. The purple haired looked adorable and Jennie wondered if she could just watch her again until sunrise. She checked her wristwatch. One am blinked at her. No, she couldn't stay awake that long, no matter how tempting, or she'd be dead the next day. Carefully, Jennie rolled over, facing away from the purple haired and temptation. She scooted backwards a bit, just a fraction of an inch away from the other girl's sleeping form, and tried to get back to sleep.

It was morning when she awoke next, and the stirring of the camp around brought her to. As she woke, Jennie became very quickly aware of a tanned arm snaked across her and wrapped around her abdomen. As she became more lucid, she realised that Jisoo was spooning her, one arm anchoring her back, and her nose soft on the back of Jennie's neck. Jennie nearly fainted.


Now there was a problem. If Jisoo woke up like this, she was going to get embarrassed very fast. Then she probably would never speak to Jennie again, let alone spend another night in the same tent. At the same time, this was probably never going to happen again, so if Jennie moved, she'd lose it forever. Then again, if she did move, she'd probably wake the sleeping girl and then the first scenario would happen anyway. What could Jen do? Lie very still and hope that Jisoo rolled over before she woke up. Jen could feel the warmth of Jisoo's breath on her neck and closed her eyes, revelling in the sensation.

Get a grip, Kim. This isn't going to help anything. For once, Jennie agreed with the voice in her head wholeheartedly.

Gently - ever so gently - she picked up the arm that was draped over her. Wincing in case Jisoo woke up, she rolled, slowly and deliberately, until she was facing the purple haired, but a safe distance away. Then she lowered the arm and breathed a sigh of relief. Jisoo was still asleep. Then she escaped, as fast as she possibly could.

* *©clomle44* *

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