Chapter 3

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Kai stayed and talked to them, much to Jennie's annoyance. Even more irritating, Jisoo and he seemed to get along. Well. As well as Jisoo and Jennie did.

Jennie went back to staring out of the window, her black mood back with a vengeance. She had a fair while to revel in her dark temper, as the bus ride was fairly lengthy. They jerked to a stop for lunch, and Jennie got off the bus, following Jisoo and Kai with an abjectly grumpy look on her face. Kai just chuckled at her. Jisoo didn't seem quite sure how to take Jennie's sudden turn for the cranky, and left her at it. Jennie grudgingly cheered up a little, and settled down to eat lunch with the others. They were enjoying the sun on the grassy knoll where they'd ensconced themselves when the shadow of Krystal, with her posse of underlings, appeared, blocking the rays. Jennie shaded her eyes with one hand and made a 'Oh my God, how pathetic!' noise.

"Jisoo, don't feel the need to hang with these losers. We're sitting over there," Krystal said sweetly, ignoring Kai and Jennie and gesturing to the seats where her crowd was gathering.

Jisoo looked a little confused. "Thanks, Krystal, but I'm all good here," she replied, her brow crinkling.

"Well, if you start feeling nauseous, join us," Krystal tossed flippantly, and sashayed on her way. Jennie made a gagging noise, and Kai elbowed her in the ribs.

"Bitch," she muttered under her breath, but not low enough that Jisoo didn't catch it.

"I take it you're not Krystal's friend?"

"Uh, no," said Jennie, flatly. "Thank God." To her surprise, Jisoo giggled.

"Yeah, I can probably see why. I think she has some personality... deficiencies. Jin seems to like her." Jisoo looked up in surprise as Kai got up and walked off without a word. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Don't worry about it", replied Jennie, as they were rounded up and herded back on to the bus. She was glad she had Jisoo to herself again. That thought worried her.

This is ridiculous. You've known her for what? Three, four hours max. And now you're happy you've got her on her own. Kim, Kim, Kim, what the hell are you thinking? Jennie made her way back to her seat, silent berating continuing. Maybe you just want to get to know her better? she reassessed. Sure. That was it. She was secretly joyous when Jisoo slid into the seat next to her again.

"So," Jisoo began, cautiously, "there's a lot of stuff going on around here that I don't know about, isn't there?"

"Well, you are new," Jennie pointed out, "but don't worry about it. It's all water under the bridge anyway. I won't let you make any major mistakes."

"Thanks," said Jisoo, brightly. "Knowing my luck, I'll make the biggest social faux pas imaginable and be relegated to the table in the corner where the mashed potato always lands in food fights." Her laughter made Jennie smile.

"Naah, you can just hang with me." Smooth, Kim, Jennie followed the statement with a thought of her own. "Of course, then you'll be branded a freak by the cheerbreeders."

Jisoo shrugged. "To be honest, I've never been that comfortable with Krystal. She's... well..." Jisoo laughed again. "Personality deficient. Now, who said that?" she looked at Jennie archly.

"Moi?" replied the brunette, in mock-defence. "Well, she is."

"So, do I get to learn the history behind this?"

"What makes you think there's a history behind this?" Jennie asked, her defense no longer mocking.

"Uh... my functioning brain," retorted the purple haired.

"No history. She's just a bitch of the first order, and I am sweet and innocent and lovely. She can't hack it." Jennie watched as the purple haired swept her eyes from the head to the toes of the brunette. Her tattoo was just visible as she slouched in the chair. Her jewelry, clothes, everything, screamed 'rebel'. Jisoo raised an eyebrow and gave the brunette a frankly doubtful look.

"Sweet and innocent?"

"Uh huh." Jennie wasn't very convincing and broke her attempt at being so with a laugh she couldn't hold in. Jisoo was giggling, too, and Jennie decided she loved the way that she brought her wrist up to her nose when she laughed. It was adorable.

Along with every other thing about her. Jennie shooed away her thoughts. She was about to say something when the shadow of Krystal loomed over them again.

"Aw hell, Krystal, I didn't bring your spare underwear with me this time, so, if you've had that little accident again, you'll just have to wait." The comment shot out like hot lead, Jennie unwilling to give Krystal any kind of platform to express her views. Krystal shot her a withering look and ignored her.

"Jisoo, I think I really should warn you against this... freak." Krystal was rewarded with another venom-laced look from Jennie, but continued her 'discussion' with Jisoo. "I think you should know she eats women for breakfast, and I don't mean, well -" she laughed, a fake laugh that made Jennie roll her eyes. "Look, let's just say that she's had more pussy than the pound, and she's not averse to hitting on corpses if she thinks she'll get laid. I wouldn't sit next to her if I were you. You never know what you might catch, or where her hands will end up. I have a seat up the back for you."

Krystal folded her arms and stood her ground as Jennie stood up, fist balling in anger. She was gently pulled back into her seat by the purple haired next to her who looked frankly unamused.

"I'll take my chances, Krystal," she said, quietly but with steel in her voice.

"Your funeral," retorted the cheerleader. "Don't let her get too close," she added as a parting shot and ambled back down the bus. A rogue corner threw her into the lap of some unsuspecting male on the way, making Jennie laugh and Krystal squeal. Jennie turned back from the scene of Spanish epithets that ensued.

"Bitch," she muttered, half to herself and half to the window. She chanced a quick look at the purple haired next to her and found brown eyes suddenly meeting hers. She realised that Jisoo's hand was still on her forearm, from where she'd pulled her back down. The warmth of her made Jennie's skin prickle in delicious sensation.

"Don't worry about her," the purple haired reassured. "Personality deficient."

"That may be an understatement," Jennie sighed. But Krystal had done her damage; now Jisoo had to be suspicious.

* *©clomle44* *

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