Chapter 13

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Jennie dropped back on the bed, her arms coming up to embrace Jisoo as the girl kissed her again. The purple haired was on top of her now, her thigh firmly tucked between Jennie's and her mouth hot on her own. Jennie moaned, unable to help herself, and ran one hand up Jisoo's back under the purple haired's shirt, revelling in the soft skin she felt there. As she did so, she felt the girl shiver, intensifying her kiss.

Groaning, they rolled onto their sides, Jisoo's hand cupping Jennie's face, pulling her into a deeper kiss, Jennie's hand cupping Jisoo's jean-clad ass and pulling their bodies in closer. Knees slid between knees, and whimpers whispered out into the air. As Jennie pulled her close, she felt Jisoo rock her pelvis against Jennie's thigh, and the brunette felt her centre flood with wetness in response.

Footsteps echoed on the steps outside of the cabin. The girls flew apart at the sound, Jisoo jumping off the bed and backing up so fast that she ended up sitting on the opposite bed after hitting it and overbalancing. Jennie swung her feet over the edge, sitting up. When Mr. Forrest opened the door, both girls were sitting several feet apart and trying not to look like they'd just run a marathon.

Or made out.

"Jisoo, you can go," Mr. Forrest said, his voice low and calm. "Now," he affirmed, as the purple haired opened her mouth to argue. Throwing a worried look at Jennie, she slipped past him.

Jennie watched her mouth "Good luck" as she left. She was suddenly nervous, realising how much trouble she was in. To her astonishment, instead of immediately railing on her, Mr. Forrest sat down on the bed that Jisoo had vacated, and rested his elbows on his knees. Jennie watched him guardedly.

"So, Miss Kim, what are we going to do with you?" he asked. Jennie swore that she could detect a note of care and amusement in his tone. Did he think it was funny she had hit Krystal?

I sure thought it was funny.

"Um..." Jennie couldn't think of anything to say, nothing intelligible anyway.

"Jennie," he said softly, his eyes filled with concern, "you know that hitting Krystal isn't exactly going to put you in the good books."

"Yeah, I know," Jennie admitted, appearing fascinated by floorboards at her feet.

"So, you're in trouble. But, it's more trouble than it's worth to send you home and, besides," he grinned, "I'm not stupid enough to think you were unprovoked. Doesn't excuse what you did. There will be hours and hours of detention when we get back to school but, for the moment, you stay here. You will not be allowed to wander off alone, and you will report to me morning and night. You will also do all your activities with your buddy from now on because at least Jisoo Kim seems to have a level head. Hopefully that will keep you out of trouble for the rest of camp, and if it doesn't -" He hesitated. "Well, just see that it does, Kim. Now, go eat dinner."

Moderately stunned by her reprieve, Jennie shot him a grin, with a breathless, "Thanks, I will," and raced out the door. Jisoo was hovering by the cabin, hands in pockets and jiggling restlessly. When Jennie emerged, she looked up, face fearful and lips thin. She caught the grin on Jennie's face, and returned a smile, hopeful and cautious.

"Are you okay?" she asked, hesitantly.

"Yeah," drawled Jennie, "I am." She grinned, feeling foolish. The purple haired was pink-cheeked and sweet, and the brunette wanted to wrap her arms around the girl and hold her close. She cocked her head to one side. "I'm not supposed to leave the grounds but d'you wanna go... sit somewhere?" She crossed her fingers behind her back.

"Yeah," Jisoo replied, goofy grin on her face.

They walked together, the back of their hands just touching. Jennie grinned all the while, feeling Jisoo's knuckles brush hers and loving the tendrils of soft sensation that trailed up her hand. They found themselves a log at the edge of camp and sat, shoulders touching. Jennie wanted to ask, wanted to make sure that everything was okay between them. Her heart was soaring but there was still that seed of doubt in the back of her mind. After all, Jisoo had been kissing Kai just the night before. Was she going to do this whole dance again? Jennie / Kai, Jennie / Kai. God, she hoped not. Wracking her mind for something to say, she was half-shaking when Jisoo spoke up.

"Jen, you're rocking the log, she smiled. She made a quick glance around, and then slid her hand down, wrapping her fingers around Jennie's and squeezing. "It's okay," she whispered.

Jennie swallowed. After the last few days, she felt a desperate need to know where she stood -dare she say it? - even at the risk of ruining everything now.

What?? What are you doing?? For God's sake, shut up and leave well enough alone!

"Are we cool?" she asked. "You know, after last night..." she trailed off. Jisoo squeezed her hand again, not letting go.

"Last night was a mistake" Jisoo said, propping her chin on the hand that was resting on her knee, and looking straight ahead. Her hand stayed in Jennie's.

"And today?" the curly-haired brunette ventured.

"Today was not a mistake," the purple haired replied simply.

* *©clomle44* *

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