Chapter 30

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Saucy. Not sex, but definitely saucy.

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The sand was cool beneath Jennie's toes as she clambered across it. Jisoo was leading the way, carefully picking her way between the rocks and seaweed, looking for the easy steps to take. Jennie followed her, watching as her own slightly smaller feet tried to stay exactly in her companion's footsteps. She tried not to indent the edges so it looked like only one person had come across the sand. She couldn't say why she was doing it; she just felt like it.

She was concentrating so hard on doing this that she didn't notice that Jisoo had come to a halt. Or that she was talking to Jennie.

"Jennie!" Jisoo's voice was sharp and thudded into Jennie's brain with a jab.

"What?" Her head shot up.

"Where the heck are you?" Jisoo laughed. "I've been calling your name for ages."

"Sorry," Jennie replied, colouring slightly. "I was off in my own world."

"Clearly" Jisoo grinned. "What I asked was if here was okay?"

Jennie looked around. Jisoo had found a spot neatly nestled in the rocks. There were a few flat sun-warmed rocks that were perfect for sitting on. Glancing back, the brunette could see that they were well out of sight of the rest of the group, which worked just fine for Jennie. Hanging around Jin, Krystal and Kai was her idea of hell, not a holiday. The sea was close enough to smell and enjoy but wasn't going to come and wash them away. In short, it was perfect. Face brightening and a smile emerging, she told Jisoo so.

They found space near each other on the rocks, not quite touching, because that would lead to thoughts in both girls that they were very much holding in at that moment. Not that it actually stopped them thinking those thoughts anyway, but touching would be... unthinkable, at least for the moment.

Jennie watched the surf for a while and then lay back on her flat rock, shielding her eyes from the sun with her arm.

"Do you think we'll be able to get used to going back to school?" she asked, wishing the summer wasn't half-over.

Jisoo laughed. "We have every other year. I have faith we'll survive."

"You have too much faith," Jennie replied crossly.

Jisoo shrugged and leaned back on her arms. "We still have half the summer to go." She was silent as her toe drew in the sand. "I'm sorry I ruined the first half." She was quiet in her words, thoughtful and genuine.

Jennie didn't remove her arm from her eyes, she didn't move, but she considered her answer very carefully. Eventually, she went for the platitude. "You didn't."

"I did."

"It's over, Jisoo. Things are okay now."

"I spoke to Kai," Jisoo admitted.

That got Jennie to move her arm. She regarded Jisoo through low hooded eyes, hiding her expression from the purple haired.

"What about?" the brunette enquired, trying to keep the question casual.

"About us. Me and him, me and you. Everything that happened."

Was she saying what Jennie thought she was saying? Did she tell Kai about camp? Christ... no wonder he'd been avoiding her for the last few days. Should she ask Jisoo? Wait...

"I told him about you and me, and the things that happened at camp." Jisoo answered the unasked question anyway and Jennie let out an inner sigh of relief. "I thought he had a right to know. And I thought you had a right for him to know."

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