Chapter 21

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It had been a week of near torture for Jennie. She thought that the end of school would at least mean that she'd see Jisoo a lot more, especially after the weekend they'd spent together. What she didn't expect was an almost-complete block on all contact. Every time she tried to call Jisoo, or see Jisoo, something would come up, and it was almost inevitably on Jisoo's side. The girl just didn't seem to want to talk to Jennie. Well, almost.

Paranoid much, Kim? She's been busy. She sounds perfectly happy to hear from you on the phone. She just has things on. You aren't the most important thing in her life you know.

Jennie really did know that. She just wished she was, though.

Jennie had spent the week hanging out at home, wishing Jisoo would call, or hanging out with Kai, wishing she was with Jisoo instead. The one and only time she had seen the girl was when Jisoo had invited her over. She'd practically fallen over when that invitation had arrived, and was a little concerned that her acceptance had been pathetic.

It was pathetic. You're pathetic. Since when did girls get to you like this?

And it wasn't just the sex. Jennie genuinely liked Jisoo. She'd be happy to spend just hours in her presence, not really caring what they were doing. And that scared her too. Going to Jisoo's house had been the highlight of her week, despite the fact that it was contact-free and they had to spend most of the time with Jin, who kept eyeing Jennie in the most suspicious manner possible. She couldn't help but assume that Krystal had filled in the blanks for him. Still, she and Jisoo looked so damn platonic all evening, it must have eased his mind somewhat. After an evening of watching DVDs in the living room with the Kim clan, Jennie had slipped off home without so much as a kiss goodnight. If it wasn't for the fact she'd been invited in the first place, she might have thought she'd been played.

Well, considering how you've been acting over this girl, I wouldn't be surprised. You're so smitten you could be played like a badminton cock. The turn of phrase in her head made Jennie feel peculiar. She never did like badminton.

Mind you, she couldn't stop thinking about her night with Jisoo. No matter how hard she tried, it kept running through her mind like a film with no ending. Jennie wished that it had no ending, but eventually Jisoo had gone home and the beautiful night had ended.

If you'd get your game on, you could always have a replay.

God, she hoped so.

With any luck, it would be tonight. It was Kai's party and Jisoo was attending. And she was staying at Jennie's afterwards. If the last week had been torture, tonight promised at least a temporary reprieve.

Jennie dressed with care. She wanted to look so hot that no-one would be able to resist her. More specifically, she wanted to look so damn gorgeous that Jisoo wouldn't be able to resist her. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she left, she knew she'd done a pretty good job. Great legs, one hell of a short skirt, and she knew she looked good.

She was at Kai's house early, and the voice in her head was mocking at the fact.

Looky! Lil' ole Jennie Kim is early to a party, just to see a girl. Man, you are so whipped! And it was true.

She hung out with Kai as people arrived. She was too nervous to drink, which was unusual in the extreme. She kept scanning the door for the girl she knew was coming. By the time ten swung around, the paranoia that Jisoo might, in fact, not be coming was setting in. Her pulse rate swung up and she could feel the cold sweat emerging. And then the world went golden and all the noise slipped away. There in the doorway was the one thing her whole body and soul had been waiting to see for days: the beautiful, the incomparable Jisoo Kim.

She was looking gorgeous in a creamy top and white skirt, her hair bundled up lazily on her head with purple haired tendrils curling down the sides. Jennie felt the breath catch in her throat and knew that if anyone was looking, they would see her gaping. Shutting her mouth, she tried desperately to look casual, and hoped Jisoo spotted her.

Kim, you really take the cake. If you got any hotter under the collar you could cook pancakes on your damn shoulder blades. Get a grip. Or dump yourself in the beer cooler. You'd probably make more of an impression doing that. Something about Jisoo took away all of Jennie's self-confidence and left her feeling like a lost, very dowdy schoolgirl.

She watched as Jisoo turned to say something to her brother and then caught Jennie's eye. If the brunette was humbled by anything, it was the grin that snaked across the purple haired girl's face when she spied her friend. She made her way over and Jennie tried her level best to keep her cool.

"Hey there." Jisoo's voice was friendly and just a tad seductive. Jennie felt herself shiver in response.

"Hey, yourself."

And with that, it seemed so easy. She and Jisoo just hung out, generally having a good time amidst the loud music and drunken antics of their classmates. Finding a basic peace between the riotous feelings of her body at having Jisoo so close and the nerves that made her want to run away, Jennie tried to enjoy the party and her surroundings. She was raising a less-than-impressed eyebrow at some boys and their drinking game when she felt Jisoo's hand slide into hers and tug. Looking up into crystal brown eyes, she acceded to the wishes held there and followed the purple haired out of the room.

Jennie was silent as she let the other girl lead her from the room, through the kitchen and out the back door. Heart pounding at the thought of what might be about to happen, she let herself be led, anticipation threading through her veins like ice. They moved past people outside, none of them paying any attention to the two girls sleeking their way through the shadows, whispering past in a world of their own.

They found themselves a quiet hollow in the back of the garden where the moonlight was shining. Jennie found herself pulled down to a seated position, side-by-side with Jisoo against the fence. Though the moonlight was silvery and slick, they were shielded by shadows and couldn't be seen.

She felt Jisoo lean back against the fence, her presence next to Jennie sending intense messages of want through the brunette. The hand that had slid into hers, leading her to their current destination, was still laced with her own and a thumb was sliding gently across the skin of Jennie's wrist. They'd been chatting all evening but now, in the silence, words seemed intrusive. Movement seemed intrusive. Jennie was content to let them sit, side-by-side and hand-in-hand, soaking up the night.

She moved when she felt Jisoo shiver next to her, not a frisson of excitement but in genuine cold. Jennie lifted her arm, putting it around the other girl's shoulders and pulling her closer into the shared warmth. She felt Jisoo burrow into her side and looked down, finding clear brown eyes staring straight back at her. The incredible clarity in the look took her breath away, and she couldn't help but lower her mouth to Jisoo's and seal them together in a kiss that sparkled like the stars above them. She felt Jisoo's fingers slide behind her neck, pulling her closer as the intensity of the kiss rose.

If Jennie had been worried about Jisoo's interest, the heat that erupted between them should have put that to rest. Before too long, she was on her back, pressing into the cold earth with Jisoo frantic on top of her. Jennie was responding with the same urgency, her hands wild under Jisoo's blouse and mouth hot on the purple haired's. She was so involved in their movements, their heat, that she didn't hear the footsteps, and neither did Jisoo.

"Get the FUCK off my sister!"

Jisoo was yards away from Jennie before she knew what was happening. All she could see was Jin's angry face in the moonlight, fists clenched by his side and violence in his stride.

* *©clomle44* *

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