Chapter 23

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Too many days later, Jennie felt no better.

It's cos you're totally in love with her and you just have to fucking admit it. Then you can admit you got your heart stamped on and actually move on.

The voice in her head might have had a point, but the dry tone didn't make her feel better. Besides, moving on was harder than it sounded.

Jennie should know; after all, she had spent a good hour sitting in the car park at Grey's waiting to go in and find that girl to fuck before going home, curling up in bed and crying.

And it felt like a few days since she'd left her bed. There had been calls from Jisoo. She'd ignored them. There had been calls from Kai. They'd been less ignored and more 'phone thrown to the opposite side of the room'.

Every time she told herself she was going to get up, get outside and get some freaking backbone, her insides turned back to jelly and there was no hope. She was a goner.

Yup, for a brown-eyed temptress who just drop-kicked your heart to Nebraska. Told you so. Ugh. Death to the voice in her head.

Crap on top of crap. She was now officially a loser and a loner. A lonely loner loser. And one that was bad at poetry, to boot.

Mid-week, she wondered if this was really how she wanted to spend her summer holidays. Maybe she should call up her father and request to be sent somewhere exotic, where she could chat up the local girls and get a better tan than the one she already had.

Oh yeah, like you'd ever leave Jichu-Chichu.

It so wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that the thought of seeing Jisoo made her head and stomach burn intensely. It wasn't fair that the thought of not seeing Jisoo did the same. Why was the universe so intent on sending Jennie Kim to a fiery death? From the inside out, no less.

By Wednesday, she'd managed to get herself up and out of bed, and she was even moderately presentable. She wasn't sure that she was quite up to leaving the house as such, but she was dressed and she looked good. She even did her hair. And then sat staring at her walls until the paint blurred and she was seeing things. Until the door bell rang...

Finally, a reprieve. Could you have been any more boring?

Throwing open the door didn't make Jennie any happier. Standing on the front step was a very excited Kai, and a much more subdued Jisoo. In fact, Jisoo looked practically panicked. Jennie just stared at them. What the fuck were they doing there? Rubbing it in her face?

Yes, Kim. In fact, any minute now they're gonna strip off all their clothes and go at it on your hallway floor. But only after they tie you to a chair so you have to watch.

"Hey, Jen, where've you been, man? I haven't seen you for ages!" Kai grinned, punching the brunette on the arm and totally missing her withering glare. "Want to come hang?"

"Uh... doing what?" she said cautiously. She wanted to slam the door in his face and scream obscenities through the wood panels but she knew she couldn't. He didn't even know what was wrong.

"Beach! Dude, you're totally coming." And, saying that, he grabbed her and hauled her out of the house.

"Kai!" she shrieked. "Bathing suit!"

"You have it on under your shirt. I can see the straps," he pointed out. "And we have towels and stuff. Come on, you're coming!"

Damnation, she'd put her suit on thinking she might go for a swim later, not get hauled out to have her heart stamped into the sand. Jisoo was saying nothing and fidgeting in the corner. Jennie gave her another withering glare and then followed Kai. She didn't have much choice: he was practically wrenching her arm out of its socket.

The drive to the beach consisted of Kai fiddling with the stereo, hurling obscenities at other drivers and telling both girls how much fun they were going to have. If he'd bothered to look at either of their faces, he would have noticed that they were pretty unlikely to have any fun whatsoever. Jennie's face was blacker than night and Jisoo looked just about ready to throw up. Kai, in typical boy fashion, didn't see a thing.

There was a crowd at the beach. Jennie should have known that Kai would have friends there. She could see half the basketball team and, unfortunately, the whole cheerleading team. If at all possible, it just made Jennie's mood worse. Jisoo was eyeing her uncomfortably, like she was about to say something, while Krystal was sashaying her way across the sand.

"Kai, why'd you bring these freaks with you?" That was Krystal, always to the point.

Because he's taking a summer course entitled 'How to torture Jennie Kim'.

Kai threw an arm around Jisoo's shoulders and kissed her on the top of the head.

"Chill, Krystal, we're all here to have fun. Hey, volleyball!" Kicking off his shoes, he ran onto the sand.

"Jocks," Jennie muttered under her breath. She thought she saw a flicker of a smile from Jisoo.

"Just don't get any ideas with all the bikinis around, Kim," Krystal spat at her. "I don't need your dirty eyes all over me."

"Krystal, I'd rather scratch my eyes out with a spork than look at your heifer body."

Leaving the fuming cheerbitch and Jisoo standing behind, Jennie grabbed a towel and found a deserted patch of sand. Setting up camp, she threw off her shirt and pushed on her sunglasses. If she was stuck here, she may as well work on her tan. Lying down, she closed her eyes and tried not to think of the delicious purple haired-haired girl who was standing only a few yards away. Of course, that just made her think of Jisoo... naked... and straining...

Jesus, Kim! Obsessed with sex much?

Sighing, she rolled over and let her back get some sun. A shadow was cast over her.

"You know that's a good way to get skin cancer," Jisoo's dulcet tones warned.

"Like I care," Jennie replied coldly. She didn't look up. She wasn't sure she could contain herself if she did.


"Fuck off, Jisoo."

The shadow stayed put for a few moments, moments that stretched. Then it left and Jennie was alone.

She spat sand when Kai skidded up and covered her in it about two hours later.

"Kai, you fuck-twit!" she growled.

"Sorry. Dude, you're totally getting burned here. Why aren't you playing?"

Jennie shrugged her shoulders and turned away from him. She was angry with him, but she knew he wouldn't understand, or even notice. He sat down on the sand next to her and looked at her thoughtfully.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Okay, maybe he did notice more than she gave him credit for.

"Nothing to talk about" she replied shortly.

"Jen, I'm not stupid. I know you liked her."

She said nothing, afraid of what might come out of her mouth, or her eyes, if she spoke.

"But I really like her, too," he continued. "I'm sorry, Jen. It's not about win or lose, but she likes me, I like her. We're good together. Can you be happy for me? Please, because she wants to keep being your friend and she's all upset you won't be. She thinks you'll hate her because of our past and you guys were getting along so well."

You have no idea...

"Jen, can't you just be happy for me?" He looked so pitiful. It wasn't his fault Jisoo was lying through her teeth.

Jennie didn't know what was worse: the web of lies that Jisoo had made for Kai, or the one Jennie was about to spin for him now.

"Yes, I can be happy for you."

* *©clomle44* *

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