Chapter 34

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Jennie let Jisoo in to the house and then let her walk ahead. The purple haired headed straight up the stairs to Jennie's room, and the brunette followed in silence. She shut the door behind them, watching as the purple haired moved with slow deliberate movements.

"Jis, are you okay?" she asked, fearfully. The girl looked like a marionette, half-jerky and not quite in control of her own limbs.

Maybe she's a fembot. Her parents might have sent her as a decoy to explode! When did the voice in her head start taking drugs?

"I'm not sure," the purple haired replied with a trembling smile. She sat on the end of Jennie's bed, and then slumped to the floor. She fidgeted for awhile until Jennie perched herself directly in front of the girl, kneeling.

She put a hand on Jisoo's, trying to be somewhat comforting. "Can I do anything?"

"Hold me," Jisoo said simply.

Jennie smiled and opened her arms. Jisoo half-moved into them until they both realised that hugging on your knees was rather uncomfortable. Jennie moved them to the bed. She lay down, tucking Jisoo's head into the crook of her shoulder and running a hand through her purple haired tresses. She let her other hand stroke one shoulder with calming motions.

Jisoo's arm curled around her side and they just lay for awhile. "I thought she was going to kill me," the purple haired eventually said. "But then Dad made her calm down."

"Must have come as a bit of a shock to her," Jennie said.

Whoa, whoa! When did we start being understanding to Jisoo's bitch mother?

"Yeah. Dad took it well though."

"That's good."

"He's the reason I'm here. Mom was so upset that I didn't want to stay in the house. He suggested I stay over here." Jisoo smiled weakly.

"I'll look after you," Jennie promised, pressing a kiss to the girl's head. She tilted her head down to find Jisoo gazing up at her. The purple haired moved one lazy hand up and traced the outline of Jennie's lips.

"You always do," she whispered. "You're the most amazing person I've ever had the privilege to have in my life."

Jennie blushed. "Shh, you're crazy," she joked.

"No really!" Jisoo said, cupping Jennie's cheek. "You know, this is probably the completely wrong time to say this, after everything that's happened over the last few weeks... this is kind of crazy but -" She took a deep breath. "I think I love you, Jen. No, I know I do."

Jennie felt her heart soar. She felt like her whole life she'd been waiting to hear those words. And that they came from Jisoo, that was extra special. She'd changed, in the last two months. She knew it. She was a better person, a more complete person. For the first time ever, in living memory, she was prepared to put someone else first. She hadn't even been like that with Kai, and she'd thought she'd never care about anyone the way she had about him. But this was new, this love. This love between her and Jisoo, this was unbelievable. So good, so very, very good.

Then she realised that she'd been silent while all of these thoughts had rolled around her brain and Jisoo was starting to look scared.

"I love you, too," she whispered. "I have for ages, I just... I never expected you to feel it too." She brushed a quick kiss across Jisoo's lips and then rested her forehead on the purple haired's.

"I think I have since the day I sat next to you on that stupid bus to camp," Jisoo smiled. "God, I took one look at you and my heart started beating so fast. Scared the living hell out of me."

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