Chapter 20

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Jennie tried to make sense of the patterns on her ceiling as the lights from her window made swirls and ribbons, dancing lightly and changing with a poetic fluidity. She held her hands behind her head as she stared, her eyes following the snake-like charm of the threads of light as they moved across the barren white surface. Her eyes glazed over, mind flying back to the events of last night. Try as she might, she couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Nor could she stop the tightening in her groin as she thought about it.

Jisoo's mouth hot on her collarbone while her hands skimmed up Jennie's sides, spreading warmth and tingling everywhere they went. Jennie's hands, buried in purple haired tresses while her lips skimmed across delicately-shelled ear, finding that sensitive spot behind it and blowing gently. Revelling in the sigh that escaped against her neck. Clothes shedding slowly and skin coming into delicious contact with skin.

Rolling over, she sniffed the pillow next to her, losing herself in the scent of Jisoo. She could see the glowing outline of the girl as she slept next to her. She might not have been there now, but Jennie could picture the image so tightly that it was like a force that would not leave. No matter what happened, for the rest of her life, Jennie knew she would be able to conjure that image and that feeling.

Jisoo whispering, noises that made no sense but with a pleading intensity that Jennie knew exactly what she wanted. Naked bodies against each other and the sliding of Jennie's thigh in between those soft, beautiful legs she'd spent so long kissing her way up. The incredible feeling of wetness on her thigh as she ground down and the sound of the groan that came with it, echoing in her ears.

Hugging the pillow to her breast, Jennie grinned, eyes squeezing shut at the thoughts that were ricocheting around her brain. For once, the mocking voice in her head was silent, overwhelmed by the intense memories of the night before.

The feel of Jisoo's wetness as Jennie dipped her fingers down. The deep brown eyes with pupils that enlarged just ever so slightly as those fingers found the hard nub of nerves and made sexy hips dance. Jisoo's gasp as the fingers moved over the spot, again and again, while Jennie watched the reaction. Jennie biting her lip, teeth making an impression on her bottom curved bow while she slid her fingers down, knowing that she had nothing stopping her this time. Waiting for Jisoo to open her eyes again, to look deep into brown orbs holding her gaze so carefully. Waiting to watch while Jennie made Jisoo hers.

The phone ringing stung the air like an angry bee and made Jennie jump half out of her skin. Grabbing it, she flipped it open without checking the caller ID.

"Yeah?" she said, breathless.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" Kai asked suspiciously, lewd undertones seeping into his voice.

"No," replied Jennie flatly, realizing that her hand was halfway to her waistband and he'd just missed catching her at a very bad time indeed.

"Sure," he said sarcastically. "If you're naked with some -"

"Kai," she interrupted pointedly, "if I were naked with someone, I wouldn't have answered the goddamned phone!"

"Oh, yeah," he said, his jock brain showing. Jennie waited for him to fill the silence that followed on the phone. When it became apparent that he wasn't going to, she helped him out.

"Kai," she asked, sounding painfully patient, "what did you call about?"

"Oh, yeah, right. Party, my place, two Fridays from now. You in?"

"Of course!" she exclaimed, sitting up. "That's a fair bit of notice for you. Why so much?"

"It's gonna be large." He sounded like he was grinning on the other end of the phone. "I want to make it the sickest party of the summer."

Summer. Starting in one week. Jennie had nearly forgotten. A whole summer with Jisoo, no school and one very neat convertible. This was looking like the best summer ever.

"You know you can count me in for a party," she replied happily.

"Sick. I'm gonna call Jisoo. Catch you."

After he hung up, Jennie threw her phone across the bed and hugged the pillow to her again. Just the mention of Jisoo's name had made her drift back to the night before. Even now it was sending shivers through her body. She let the memories flood back again, as though the interruption had never happened.

That look in those brown, brown eyes of Jisoo, widening as Jennie's fingers slid slowly but surely inside her. The way that her pupils dilated as the pressure intensified, Jennie fully inside her now. The way her lips parted as she gasped her words, 'Oh my God'. The tingle that flew through Jennie's body at the cry.

Jennie felt herself tighten on the inside and fought the urge to roll over and ease it. She'd slept with enough women before, but none that could conjure this kind of heat and wetness with just a memory. And it felt like an insult to the memory to use it for easy gratification now. She wanted to preserve those feelings, those sensations and those emotions as part of her and Jisoo. Of course, the fact she couldn't get it out of her head wasn't helping.

The arch of Jisoo's hips as she began to move to the cadence of Jennie's slow thrusts. The way she ground her pelvis up into Jennie's palm and whimpered at the slide of fingers deep inside her. Or the look of shock and awe on her face when Jennie curved her fingers up deftly, hitting that spot she knew was just there, and the smile that the brunette couldn't help let spread across her face at the words that followed. 'Oh my God. Oh fuck. I didn't... I didn't think I had -' The swallowed gulp that followed as Jennie hit it again. The way she couldn't help leaning down and whispering in the purple haired's ear, 'You have. And God, you're sexy.'

Jennie fought the urge to grab her phone and call Jisoo, beg for her to come back over, ease the ache and burning. She had to stop thinking of this now. Instead of a memory, it was becoming akin to torture. Her cheeks flushed she pulled the pillow over her face trying desperately to think of anything but last night. Anything but Jisoo, naked, breathing coming in short, shallow...

The amazing sensation of Jisoo's walls closing down on her fingers as wetness flooded. Her unhindered cries filling the air, Jennie's name on the last breath.

Jennie felt herself keen inside. She tried frantically to think of anything else she could: ice; polar bears; igloos; ice-water; cold; wet... Oh God, wet...

Lying next to Jisoo as her breathing slowed. Knowing she'd caused the feelings that were coursing through the sexy body lying next to her. The incredible ache between her own legs intensified by the purple haired's orgasm. The sudden shock when she realized that Jisoo had no intention of letting that ache go unchecked. The incredible feeling of Jisoo's hands on her body, mouth hot and heavy on hers. Jennie's electric skin thrilling as Jisoo's mouth moved across it, hands busy and soft. The feel of Jisoo's fingers as she shyly emulated her lover, sliding them deep and causing Jennie to thrust her hips up to meet the delicate invasion. The choked-off words as Jisoo slid herself down the bed, shy but determined: 'God Jis, you don't have to. God, fuck, I'm so close, you can -' The way it was cut off by a sly tongue snaking out to taste her and the jolt that shot through the brunette's body in response. The short time it took for the innocent, inexperienced girl to drive her so high she thought she'd die when she fell, and the incredible way that she held her as the fall came. The way that she'd flown to pieces, only to be put back together again in the arms of the girl she had fallen completely and utterly in love with.

Jennie gave up. She knew that no matter what she did for the rest of the night, she would think of nothing else.

* *©clomle44* *

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