Chapter 11

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Jennie let Jisoo's elbow go. She shoved her hands in her pockets, having absolutely no idea what just happened. She knew Jisoo had kissed her, and given that she'd also been dreaming about her, Jennie figured the purple haired kinda liked her. On the other hand, Jisoo had seemed so upset about kissing her, that Jennie had panicked, thinking that the girl would never want to talk to her again; hence the complete backpedal and now this insecurity, instability...

Insanity! Too late. Already there.

Jennie swallowed.

Time to start again

"Look, Jis, what I'm saying is we've, like, known each other for five days. Pretty intense time, yeah? Let's, um..." she hesitated, staring at the ground. "Let's get some breakfast, and just hang"

Oh my God, could you get any more lame?

"Okay," said Jisoo. She did sound like she'd been reprieved. Maybe Jennie hadn't fucked it up completely.

As if this day hadn't started badly enough...

You call getting kissed by the purple haired of your dreams bad? What makes for good, a train wreck?

Jennie considered a lobotomy to rid herself of the voice.

The teachers decided that Jennie had not had enough torture and the magical word of the day was "Activities". As far as Jennie could tell, these involved her joining in one or more past-times that were not fun; were almost certainly guaranteed to get her wet, or covered in something, or quite possibly shot with an arrow; and forced her to spend time with a group of people who were not Jisoo.

Jennie briefly considered volunteering for peeling an army's worth of potatoes just to get out of doing anything else. Jisoo was unusually silent, and Jennie wasn't stupid enough to push her. She sat back, hoping the purple haired would pick something and ask her to go too. She waited and waited, but nothing came.

D'you reckon you could give the girl a little space, Kim? You're not attached to her by invisible string!

Jennie stood up, stretching as she went.

"I'm gonna go sign up for archery," she declared, as Kai looked at her as if she were barking mad. She marched up to the board and muscled her way through, pencilling her name on one of the lines. Then she disappeared in the crowd. She had no idea what Jisoo ended up doing. Much against Jennie's hopes, Krystal wasn't in the archery group, and Jennie didn't get the chance to send an arrow accidentally through the girl's plastic nose. She did, however, turn out to be rather good at it.

As she returned for lunch, she spotted Jisoo from a distance. She was considering her next move - either going over to say hi or just ducking away before she could be seen - when she realised that the purple haired was hanging out with the cheerleader of her nightmares. Feeling sick to her stomach, she turned before she could be seen and left.

Ignoring Jisoo completely over lunch, she ate quickly, and departed the hall. She was sure that Jisoo's eyes followed her as she left, but she refused to look up and check. Making her way out into the fresh air, she started to run, slow at first, then building up. She ran until her lungs burned and her eyes stung. Leaning against a tree, she struggled for breath, and felt the tears well up in her eyes.

For God's sake, Kim, what the hell has gotten into you? One word: Jisoo.

Jennie dug her nails into the tree next to her and tried to steady her breathing. This was crazy. This was absolutely crazy. She straightened her back, took a deep breath, and walked resolutely back to camp.

Flinging on her sunglasses, she adopted her usual 'I'm just so cool you can't possibly think it's okay to talk to me' demeanour and sat down on the step of her cabin, casually inspecting her nails.

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