Chapter 7

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Jennie realised pretty fast that she needed to get a grip. This girl was driving her crazy and they'd known each other two whole days. Two days and yet it felt like forever in Jennie's mind. Jisoo had become a friend, one who looked like she cared; and even though it had only been two days, Jennie, as she stalked across the field to the bathroom, realised that Jisoo was a friend she didn't want to lose. Especially over something as stupid as sex.

Christ on a bicycle, Jennie Kim, the girl had no idea what she was doing! In fact, she wasn't doing anything, so get over yourself. Sex indeed. It became apparent that the voice in Jennie's head had developed a derisive snort. She really needed to do something about that.

Unfortunately, Krystal and her cronies were already in full occupation of the amenities block which explained the crowd lingering outside the door. Jennie ignored them and pushed on through. Inside, the bitch crowd had set up court. There were several shower stalls free, but Krystal had ordered everyone out and, too scared of the queen bee, they had stayed out; hence, the crowd outside. Jennie ignored her, never one to back down from a Krystal challenge.

"We don't like lesbians watching us take our showers," Krystal flung at her, unamused.

"Convenient," retorted Jennie, "since I don't want to watch you take a shower. I'd rather not spend my morning vomiting bile." She walked into a stall and slammed the door closed, bolt lock causing sparks with the amount of force she used to thrust it home.

Her shower was necessarily quick since Krystal's little minions weren't stupid enough not to realise that turning on and off all the taps in the bathroom would leave Jennie's shower running hot and cold. Jennie didn't care, she was running hot and cold all by herself anyway. She dried and dressed quickly, throwing all her things into a bag and slamming the door open with the same force she used to close it. She marched past Krystal to the sinks, finding one at the very end and taking up occupancy. She ignored the various jibes and catcalls from around her, finishing off her morning routine as quickly as possible. She wheeled round to find herself face-to-face with Krystal.

"You think you're so great, don't you Kim?" There was pure hatred in the sentence, and Jennie took a step back, not sure where this was going. "You and your little girlfriend, and your big, hulking bodyguard -" That had to mean Kai. Where the hell was this going? "I'd watch your step, if I were you," Krystal hissed, lashing out with the palm of her hand, shoving Jennie backwards, then turning and walking off.

Jennie looked a little stunned, but gathered herself and her things and made her way back to the tent. Jisoo was just stirring. Jennie threw her stuff in the tent and considered running away again. Something in the venom of Krystal's threats had rattled her - actually rattled her - and she couldn't shake the feeling. She also had no idea what was behind the sudden vehemence in Krystal's dislike of her. They hadn't gotten along for a very long time, but the anger in her tirade had been unexpected and a lot worse than usual. Jennie crawled into the tent and sat on her mattress, mostly oblivious to Jisoo's awakening. She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin on them, trying to calm her newly-pounding heartbeat.

Jisoo sat up, regarding Jennie carefully.

"What's wrong?" she said softly, watching the brunette carefully. Jennie moved her head slightly to swing the purple haired into view. "Are you okay?"

Christ, even when she just gets up she looks beautiful. What happened to bed hair?

"Yeah," the curly-haired brunette lied. "Fine."

"I don't believe you, you know." Jisoo got to her knees and shuffled over to Jennie, laying a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong?" She was still gentle, but sounded determined. Jennie wished she could freeze this tableau in time, with Jisoo on her knees so close next to her, hand on her shoulder, the tingling sensation she felt under her skin just where the contact was made. Jennie was acutely aware of the soft brush of Jisoo's little finger as it rested, slightly off her tank top on her bare skin.

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