Chapter 22

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Jennie put her phone down and stopped trying to contact Jisoo. There was no point. It was clear that the other girl was not going to answer. Jennie lay on her bed staring at the ceiling and let her thoughts swirl away,

Forget it, Kim. It's over. She got up. She walked away. She's at home now, sitting there saying 'that did not happen, that did not happen.' She hasn't talked to you for a week. It's over.

So why did that upset her so much more than she thought was possible? Jennie Kim had never lost it over a girl before. She was cool, she was calm, she was in control. She was lying through her teeth and a bundle of mess. She'd cried, damn it! She'd lain down on her bed and let the sobs wrack through her body, the vision of Jisoo walking away from her still fresh in her mind.

You were an experiment. The walk on the wild side. The 'What if I am, what if I'm not' question, eternally answered in you. You heard what she told her brother: 'It was so not what it looked like, Jin.' And then she walked away.

Okay, she had to stop thinking about this before she cried again. She needed to get a goddamn fucking grip. Okay, so, new game plan: there was a party on Friday, some big bash Kai had told her about. Jisoo probably wouldn't show, although her brother would. That was easily enough dealt with. The jock didn't exactly have brains; he was easily outwitted. She'd go shopping today and buy herself the outfit of the century. She'd waltz into the party and find the best-looking girl there, one that didn't have purple haired hair, piercing brown eyes and a smile to die for. Then she'd take her home, fuck her brains out, and leave. That was the plan, and it was a good one. Jennie smiled.

Back in the game.

The shopping had been easy. Everything looked good on her toned, firm body. The jeans she'd bought were low riders, cut to show her abs and hips, and they made her ass look positively edible. The top she bought showed enough skin to make people gasp, while carefully hiding the things that it so enticingly hinted at.

Jennie spent a careful two hours on her hair and makeup. She looked good. She had to admit it: she looked fantastic. She knew that if she'd walked into Grey, or any other bar in the area, she could have her pick of the clientele in a few seconds. So, why was she going to this lousy high school party?

Because the purple haired with the piercing eyes might be there.

No, that wasn't it. That so wasn't it. Anyway, even if she was there, it would just be an excuse to show Jisoo exactly what she meant to her: nothing. Jisoo meant nothing and, if she could walk away from this, so could Jennie.

A taxi served as the perfect way to get to the party. That way she could drink, and if she found someone... no, WHEN she found someone, she could catch a lift with them. Made it easier to escape in the morning. Besides, Jennie had no intention of getting her license suspended and her inner angel was telling her that, if a certain purple haired was around, alcohol would be consumed. Although she rarely listened to that inner angel, tonight had been a rare exception.

The party was already loud and obnoxious by the time that Jennie waltzed through the front door. She narrowly missed being fallen upon by a very drunk senior, and kicked his prone form with some disdain. "Ugh."

Stepping over him, she made her way into the din. It was your typical out-of-control party. There probably wouldn't be much time to get some drink in and find a potential fuck before the cops were called. The party was already starting to spill out onto the street, and that never boded well for longevity.

Looking towards the kitchen, she spotted Kai. He was leaning against the wall with a drink in one hand and the other gesticulating wildly to one of his buddies. She made her way over and elbowed him lightly in the ribs.

"Jennie!" he exclaimed joyously. Oh great, he was drunk. Very drunk. "You came!"

"Uh, yeah. Wasn't I supposed to?" Jennie looked around. "Actually, I'm not sure why I did."

Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo...

"It's rockin', babe. Oh my God!"

Jennie snorted and ducked around him, moving towards the kitchen and found the secret vodka stash that was so very poorly hidden. Pouring herself a stiff drink, she let the burning liquid seep down her gullet and warm her insides. Okay, that felt a little too good. She was about to pour herself another when a jock bumped into her. Turning to spit angrily at him, she found herself face-to-face with Jin Kim.

"You!" he sneered. "Fucking bitch! Stay away from my sister."

"Whatever," she flipped off. "Get out of my way, shit-for-brains."

He reached out and grabbed her arm. "I know what you did, dyke. If she hadn't made me promise not to, I'd have called the police, the school, every fucking authority known. You jump my sister again and I'll fucking beat you down. Stay the fuck away from her!"


"What did you just say, jerk off?" She pushed him angrily.

"I said, stay the fuck away from my sister, dyke rapist."


She was about to call him out on it when some random jock pulled Jin away into a head lock and dragged him out to the back yard. Despite herself, Jennie was grateful for the reprieve. She hadn't had enough vodka to shake off what Jin had said, but she also had no idea what the hell he meant. There were rocks in her stomach that had nothing to do with anything good.

She stumbled back into the living room, reforming her plan in her head. New plan: get the fuck out of here; go to a club; find a girl; take her home; fuck her. That plan sounded like it was going to work better.

Anything to get Little Miss Innocent out of your head, eh?

Jennie was half-way to the door when she remembered that she should probably tell Kai she was leaving. She turned and took a step forward, and then met the sight that would probably haunt her sleep for weeks: Jisoo sliding an arm around Kai's waist in greeting; Jisoo squeezing him close; and Kai ducking his head in for a kiss that was anything but chaste. Seeing Jisoo return the kiss with vigour made all the vodka in Jennie's stomach climb back up and dance in her mouth. It was car crash syndrome. Horrible, horrible tragedy and yet she was unable to look away. The kiss got a little too heated for her liking - well, none of the scenario was to her liking - and she found it too much to handle.

Stumbling out of the front door, Jennie landed on her knees in the garden and heaved the contents of her stomach into the garden bed.

Oh my God, could you get any more dramatic? the voice in Jennie's head asked dryly. Welcome back, voice! You're pathetic, Kim. So she's kissing Jongin? You knew she'd run away. Is it really worth vomiting over? Yes. Yes it was.

* *©clomle44* *

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