Chapter 16

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The sight of Krystal and Jin reuniting after so long did not bring much joy to Jennie. For starters, it was overly physical and she had to fight the urge to gag. Second, she couldn't help feeling petrified that, any minute now, Jisoo's parents were going to start yelling obscenities and, next thing you knew, they'd be trying to run her down with the family car.

Okay... Before, you were being melodramatic; now, you're positively insane. Maybe she was overreacting.

"Want a lift home?" Jennie had never been so relieved to hear Kai's voice. If he noticed her staring at Jisoo, he didn't say anything. Desperate to leave, she turned to him.

"I thought you'd never ask."

She left without saying goodbye to Jisoo. It felt bad, but there was no good way she could see to interrupt the family reunion. Anyway, she wasn't tempted to give Krystal a reason to denounce them. Of course, Krystal had no cause to do so, but that was unlikely to stop her. Suspicion was going to be nine-tenths of a life sentence in this case. If Jisoo's parents got one whiff of the idea that Jennie had somehow turned their beloved only daughter gay, well, Jennie knew they were Catholic. Nothing boded well. All she could hope to do was batten down the hatches and pray that everything just passed without trouble. Maybe she could bribe Krystal. Or maybe Krystal would offer to blackmail her.

Are you crazy? Krystal blackmailing you is not a GOOD solution to this problem. Anyway, nothing's happened yet. There is no problem. Stop worrying.

Despite the quite logical thoughts that intruded on her paranoia, Jennie couldn't shake her worry. She worried all the way home, grateful that Kai didn't comment. She worried all the way through dinner in her echoingly empty house. She worried through her shower and while lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for Jisoo to perhaps call. No call came and Jennie got no sleep that night.

She got to school wired beyond belief and ready to scream. In fact she did, at poor Kai when he innocently greeted her between first and second period.

"Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you?" he snapped back.

"Sorry," she apologised, backing down. "I just didn't get much sleep last night."

"Mom in residence?" he asked understandingly.

"Nope. Absent as the day after I was born. Just not sleeping I guess." It was a feeble lie but she hoped he'd buy it.

"Hey, guys." Jisoo was breathless from her fight through the packed corridors and Jennie could have fainted with the sound of her voice. Sexy, soft and...

You really have to stop thinking these things in the corridor at school, you know.

"Hey," Jennie replied, completely spaced-out now that the purple haired was here.

"I gotta get to class," said Kai. "See you guys at lunch?"

"Uh-huh," the girls chorused. Jennie swore internally as the bell rang.

"I'd better go, too." At least Jisoo looked sad about it, if not a little wistful, too.

"Okay. Lunch?" Hope filled Jennie's voice.


The next two classes were interminable, the first without Jisoo - which was lonely - and the second with Jisoo - which was torture. Watching her, sitting near her and not being able to talk to her was almost worse than not seeing her at all. In fact, all Jennie wanted to do was grab the girl by the hand and take her somewhere they could be alone. To her surprise, she didn't really even care what they did when they got to be alone so long as they were.

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