Chapter 17

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Jennie felt Jisoo's hand slide down towards the waistband of her jeans. Her skin was on fire and her head felt like it might explode. Their kiss had rapidly gone from a soft, deep, intense sharing of emotion to one hell of a make-out session. Now they were rapidly approaching a replay of what had happened in the woods on camp. This time, Jisoo wasn't wearing all that many clothes, at least above her waist. Neither was Jennie.

Pressing her warm flesh into the purple haired's, she went in for another kiss, sweeping her tongue across the lips she sought and gaining a whimper in reply for her troubles. She loved the little sounds Jisoo made, the sighs, the moans. They sent shivers up her spine and created havoc below her waist. Now Jisoo's hand was sliding deliciously close to where she wanted it, to where it would soothe her burning ache and drive her crazy at the same time. She felt Jisoo pull back, swallowing, her eyes intense on Jennie's. Her hand dipped lower and lower, fingers edging below the belt line and across smooth abdomen. Jisoo watched for a response as Jennie held her breath, completely enthralled by the sensations being created.

And then it ended.

"Damn!" Jisoo swore, blushing.

"What?" Jennie sat up hurriedly, panic in her eyes. "What's wrong? Did I do something? Are you okay? What -"

Jisoo cut her off with a kiss. "No, no, you're fine. It's just I have to go." The end of the sentence tailed off plaintively.

"Wow, that is -. Damn!" Jennie fell back on the bed.

She watched mournfully as Jisoo pulled on all the clothes that Jennie had so diligently removed. Sighing, she threw some on herself, figuring she shouldn't drive the streets of LA topless, especially since she was going to end up at Jisoo's house.

They made it to Jisoo's in the nick of time. Jennie was conscious of Jisoo's hand on hers as they drove up the driveway. Pulling the car into park, she turned to the purple haired, not sure of what to say. They hadn't really talked much lately, just sort of hung, but Jennie was still desperate for contact and didn't really want to say goodbye. Anyway, it would mean she would have to go back to her own empty house and that just didn't sound like too much fun.

"Do you want to come in?" Jisoo asked, sending Jennie's heart soaring. More time together!

"Yeah. Um, is that okay? Me meeting your family?"

"Duh, of course." Jisoo rolled her eyes with a laugh, "You're my friend."

"Oh, yeah," Jennie had forgotten all about their lie. It had something to do with the way that Jisoo had gasped her name when she'd last run her tongue from collarbone to earlobe just a few hours earlier.
Shaking a little with the trepidation, Jennie followed Jisoo up the gravel path to her house.

It was a nice house, very home-like on the inside. The grandeur of Jennie's home had always left her cold and the only part of it that even felt like a home was her own bedroom. Jisoo's house was well-kept but also pretty and warm. Jennie felt a loss inside her as she realised that she would never have this; her house would never be like this. Besides, the further they got inside, the closer they got to Jisoo's parents. Jennie had a feeling that Jisoo's family were hardly likely to suddenly take a shine to the freak lesbian who had befriended their daughter.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home. I brought a friend with me!" Jisoo yelled.

Yup, that's me, the friend that's fucking your daughter. So pleased to meet you! Okay, that probably wasn't going to be the best opening line.

"In the kitchen, hon," a deep male voice called out from somewhere in the depths of the house. Jisoo grabbed Jennie by the hand and dragged her on. They entered the kitchen to find a curly-haired man with kind eyes, busy making dinner, a tea-towel thrown over his shoulder. He smiled at the girls and Jisoo dropped Jennie's hand.

"Hey, Dad," the purple haired greeted him, planting a kiss on his cheek. "This is my friend, Jennie. I met her at camp."

Band camp? This one time...

"Pleased to meet you." Jennie shoved aside her less-savoury thoughts and shook Mr Kim's hand.

"Nice to meet you, too, Jennie." He sounded really nice and the brunette relaxed a fraction. "Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"That would be lovely, thank you!" Jisoo nearly giggled at the gratitude in Jennie's reply.

"C'mon, idiot, I'll show you my room." With that, the purple haired pulled her friend from the kitchen and up the stairs.

Jisoo's room was... Well, it was Jisoo: a combination of fresh, wide-eyed innocence with the subtle hint of strong intelligence; and somewhere, deep under it all, a profound capacity for naughtiness. Jennie could see the innocence and intelligence, but she couldn't see immediate evidence of the naughtiness; that was, until Jisoo shut the door and Jennie felt her body pushed up against it.

Automatically winding her fingers through purple haired locks, she opened her mouth, willing Jisoo to deepen the kiss she'd sprung. Her knees nearly gave way when she felt the beautiful girl's tongue slide out to taste her lips. The kiss went on and on, until both of them were pulling ragged breaths and Jennie was having trouble keeping her hands off Jisoo.

Hearing feet thunder up the stairs, the girls broke apart quickly, staring at each other in want and frustration. The thundering went on past Jisoo's door and into the next room.

"Jin," the purple haired explained, rolling her eyes. "We should probably stop anyway. Dinner will be soon."

Despite her urge to forget dinner and just continue, Jennie knew they had to be sensible. She didn't want to run the risk of being caught and mess this up totally, especially this early on in the piece. She let Jisoo show her around her room, smiling in honest warmth at all the little bits that made the purple haired so cute and special.

Dinner was called and, as they sat down to the first home-cooked meal Jennie had eaten in a long time, she felt her tension increase again.

"Where's mom?" Jisoo asked as her brothers catapulted down the stairs and into the dining room.

"Working. She'll be late," her father replied. Jennie didn't like the sadness that briefly passed across Jisoo's face to the answer. But the purple haired recovered quickly and dinner got underway after the surprise of saying grace that nearly caught Jen out. The meal continued amiably enough and the tension that had reappeared in Jennie's shoulder was slowly easing out, until it was unexpectedly brought back with a vengeance.

Talking around the table, Jennie fielded polite but curious questions about her life and her family. She avoided the truth in its entirety because telling people about her parents was something she did rarely. Unfortunately, she couldn't avoid talking about what her father did, being somewhat of a famous rockstar. After admitting to it, she was interrupted by Jin who choked on a piece of his food, gaining everyone's attention.

"Oh my God, you're THAT Jennie Kim!" he exclaimed.

This couldn't be good.

* *©clomle44* *

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