Chapter 32

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She couldn't help it. The sensible piece of Jennie - admittedly the very, very small piece that existed - was screaming that this was a bad idea. But Jisoo's mouth was hot and wanting on hers and her hand was sliding deliciously up into Jennie's curls and Jennie was lost.

She pressed Jisoo back into the side of the bed, letting her tongue sweep into the purple haired's mouth and bringing a groan from the girl. Her hands drifted down Jisoo's sides, running over her ribs and down to where the small piece of skin was exposed between the purple haired's top and bottoms. The skin was soft, smooth, so tempting.

They broke apart panting, needing oxygen, and then the hand in Jennie's hair tightened and their mouths met again, crashing together over and over, sliding against each other. Wet, open mouths, soft lips and tantalising tastes. Hands were getting frantic, now dipping under clothes, fingers flexing and nails digging in slightly. God this was so good.

Jennie broke off desperately and Jisoo groaned.

"God don't stop, please, Jen." The purple haired's eyes were glazed, her mouth parted and she was panting slightly. It was so erotic Jennie nearly passed out. "Please, I can't... I don't think of anything else, I need you..."

Jennie had no intention of stopping. The voice in her head had conveniently wandered over to the small sensible part of her and stamped one large foot on it, silencing it immediately.

You're so very welcome.

She hauled herself to her feet and held a hand out to Jisoo, pulling the purple haired up next to her and then reeling her back into an embrace. Their mouths met again, hungry as ever, Jennie mutely reassuring Jisoo that she wasn't going to stop, wasn't intending to do anything except slake both of their thirsts, take them both to the point of no return.

They fell onto the bed, legs tangling and Jisoo pressing herself in close. Her lithe figure was lean against Jennie and the brunette was on fire from it. She slid her hands under Jisoo's shirt and lifted it off, gasping as the purple haired's mouth shifted to her neck, biting and kissing its way down. If the purple haired had ever had any uncertainty in bed, it had disappeared. She wasn't exactly aggressive, but she wasn't holding back, and it was driving Jennie crazy.

Jennie's shirt hit the floor. Hands clawed and breath condensed. Lips tasted delicate skin. Jennie slid down a little, biting gently and licking her way down Jisoo's collarbone heading up the gently rounded slope of her breast. She could see the lace-covered rosy bud of one nipple, and could already taste its sweetness on the tip of her tongue. She could practically hear the moans of appreciation coming from her girl's mouth. She was so close...


The unexpected interruption, a cold, hard yell from the door, had both girls springing apart in shock.

Jennie stared, then realised she was in her bra and a woman was staring at her from the door, so she pulled the blanket up to cover her semi-nakedness. Jisoo mirrored the move next to her. Then Jennie recovered her senses a little and managed to get her mouth open.

"How the fuck does everyone keep getting into my house?"

Jisoo's half-whisper next to her echoed despite its quiet nature. "Mom."

"No, really, how does everyone keep getting in here?"

Yes, Kim, that's the most important thing to establish right now. Jisoo's mother is standing in your room and just caught you about to have sex and right now, RIGHT NOW, the most important thing to know is how she got in.

"Get dressed immediately, Jisoo. We're leaving." Dara's voice was hard and cold, her brown eyes flashing with fury.

"Uh, do you mind getting out of my room?" Jennie said bitingly. The old Kim was alive and well, pithy and to the point. "No, seriously, I don't give a fuck who you are. Get the hell out of my room."

She leaned down and grabbed her top, throwing it on in one swift motion. Jisoo seemed to be frozen, grasping the blanket to her chest protectively and swinging her gaze from her mother to Jennie and back again.

Dara was now staring at Jennie in some weird staring contest triangle, like she somehow couldn't believe that the brunette would dare defy her at a time like this.

Wow... this is just weird.

It got weirder. Jennie walked to the door. Dara instinctively took a step back, startled by the bold moves of the upstart girl she had planned on giving a piece of her mind to. The single move backwards propelled her into the corridor. Jennie shut the door in her face.

"Jisoo, you don't have to do anything you don't want to," she said to the frozen girl.

Jisoo lowered the blanket slowly and stared at Jennie dumbfounded. Then she spoke, croaking and shocked, "Did you just shut my mother in the hall?" She didn't sound angry, just stunned.

"Uh, yeah. She was pissing me off," she admitted. "How the hell do you all keep getting in here? I don't mind it when you do it but geez..."

"The maid let me in," Jisoo said, still stunned.

"You should probably put your shirt on," Jennie commented, "before your mother learns how to use the door-handle." That inner voice had just found its way to the surface.

To her relief, Jisoo grinned and dressed hurriedly. As predicted, Dara opened the door. Before she could say anything Jennie was onto her.

"Jesus, don't you know how to knock?"

"Jennie," Jisoo cautioned.

"Jisoo, we're leaving," Dara commanded. She seemed almost scared of Jennie, and was now excluding the brunette completely, not meeting eye contact or acknowledging any kind of existence.

"Look, lady, I don't know what planet you're from, but on this one you don't just walk into people's houses and start making demands."

"Jennie, it's okay," Jisoo said quietly. "I should go with her."

"Not if you don't want to," Jennie replied defiantly, crossing her arms.


"Shut up, Mom!" Jisoo cut Dara off. She turned to Jennie. "Give me a minute, okay?"

Jennie watched her walk to her mother and then take the woman by the elbow. If she wasn't surprised enough by the brunette's defiance, her own daughter's must have seemed incredible. Jisoo walked her mother out of view and Jennie stood and waited, then the young purple haired reappeared in the bedroom. She shut the door behind her.

"I have to go home," she sighed.

"Don't," Jennie said, holding her hand out and looking sad.

"Oh, believe me, I'd rather not," Jisoo laughed bitterly. "But this isn't going to get sorted out with me staying here. And it will get sorted out." Her mouth set in a stubborn line.

"Are you going to be okay?" Jennie asked with concern. She moved forward to hold the girl's shoulders.

"Yeah, I will be." Jisoo's hand snaked out to cup Jennie's cheek, stroking delicately with a thumb. "I'll call you tonight, okay, before bed. Or after the arguments." She gave Jennie a cock-eyed smile.

Then she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the brunette's lips, and then disappeared.

Jennie sighed. Life was just getting stranger by the minute.

* *©clomle44* *

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