Chapter 31

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“Jisoo.” It was a half-whisper.

The tear-stained face looked up at her, misery written all over it, and then fell back down into the huddle that was Jisoo Kim.

Jennie hesitated. She wasn’t sure whether or not she needed to go and wrap the girl up in a huge hug and never let her go, or just let the poor thing take her time until she spoke. Mind you, the curiosity was burning up inside her.

What could be wrong? Maybe it’s you again… Oh, how comforting was THAT thought.

Eventually, Jennie settled for a compromise: she perched herself on the end of the bed next to Jisoo and rubbed a hand in circles over the purple haired girl’s back in what she hoped was a semi-soothing motion. Then she waited for Jisoo to stop sobbing and, hopefully, to start talking.

It took a little while, but eventually the tears died down a bit and there was a half-mumble from Jisoo’s arms. Given that’s where her head was buried, it was a reasonable place for a mumble to emanate from, but it also made it largely unintelligible.

“Jisoo, I can’t hear you,” Jennie said.

Jisoo lifted her head. “I told them.”

Jennie stared at her, stunned. “What, your family?”

Jisoo nodded.

Jennie opened her mouth and then closed it. Told them what? Told them about Kai? Told them about Jennie? Told them she was gay? That she was so gay she was running away to become a tennis player? Told them what?

You could just ask her…

“Uh… I take it, it didn’t go so well?” she ventured.

She felt lucky that Jisoo didn’t roll her eyes back at her.

“Less than,” the purple haired whispered. “I ran out.”

“Shit!” Jennie said. She really couldn’t think of anything to say. Sure, she had expected Jisoo to say something to her family eventually – she seemed so keen on ‘making it right’ that it was an obvious step – but not this soon.

Sighing, the brunette looped an arm around Jisoo’s shoulder and pulled her in to a hug. Kissing the top of the purple haired mop she whispered, “It’ll be okay.” It was a platitude. Jennie had no idea if it would be okay, but then again, she couldn’t think of anything else to say. Besides, she really, really hoped it would be okay.

“Do you want to talk about it?” she ventured.

“I -” Jisoo faltered. “I didn’t mean to… I didn’t want to do it this way… I wanted to figure everything out first. Sort it out…”

Jennie held her close and just listened.

“Bloody Jin!” Jisoo swore.

“Jin?” Jennie went back to looking stunned again. “What did he do?” Her blood rose, threatening to boil. Jin? The asshole. She was going to have to do something about him.

Maybe have him taken out with a contract? Kneecapped? Concrete shoes? Doesn’t Kai’s father have a concrete mixer? Focus, Jennie, focus.

“He just wouldn’t let up about Kai. He just kept pushing me and asking why we’d broken up. He just kept pushing and pushing -” Jisoo had never sounded so irritated and wounded at the same time. “So I was yelling, and he was yelling, and then mom was yelling. And then -”

“And then?”

“And then I just kind of yelled it.” Jisoo went quiet.

Jennie let the silence settle for a few moments and then ventured once again, “Yelled?”

“Uh… I believe my exact words were ‘I like girls’.”


“Seriously?” Possibly not the greatest supportive comment from the peanut gallery that was Jennie but she was a little overawed by it.

Jisoo gave her a wan smile. “Uh-huh.”

“That probably… wasn’t the best way for it to come out.” Jennie gave a half smile back. Jisoo, despite her tears and misery gave a little giggle.

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Jisoo sighed. “Probably wasn’t the best way for ME to come out.”

“That’s a terrible pun,” Jennie said solemnly.

“I’m upset, give me some leeway here,” Jisoo parried.

Phew, at least she wasn’t a complete mess!

“Want to stay here tonight,” Jennie offered, “rather than heading home?”

“That would be wonderful,” Jisoo replied gratefully.

“It won’t cause more trouble?” Jennie asked, and then practically kicked herself.

Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! You stupid bloody git! She’s about to STAY OVER!

“Probably,” Jisoo sighed again. “But right now, the last people I want to face are my family and the only person I really feel like being around is you.” Then she blushed.


“You know you’re always welcome,” Jennie said warmly.

Oh yeah, that was smooth and sexy… and you sound like a Holiday Inn advertisement.

Jisoo was clearly over crying. And Jennie was grateful. She really didn’t know how to deal with teary females. Or teary males. Teary anyone.

Yes, you’re just a bundle of comfort and love, aren’t you?

There was something lingering in the back of her head that suggested ice-cream and movies as the way to solve any crisis. That, Jennie could, and did, supply. A pint of cookies and cream and Love Actually had Jisoo actually smiling. Jennie wasn’t watching the movie, she was watching the purple haired.

It was hard not to. There were still the faint signs of tear tracks on her beautiful cheeks. But her brown eyes were bright as she let the film overwrite the events of the day. When she lifted the spoon of ice-cream to her mouth and delicately dipped it in, sliding her pink tongue out just to taste, Jennie could have sworn that the whole world went into slow motion. It was the first time ever that someone eating ice-cream had turned her on beyond belief.


The brunette started and looked up at the purple haired, who was gazing at her with an amused expression.

“Uh, yeah?” she replied.

“Why are you staring at me?” Jisoo asked, still amused.

“I’m not!” Jennie protested, far too vehemently.

“Uh-huh,” said Jisoo, sliding the ice-cream spoon back into her mouth. Despite her insistent protests mere seconds before, her eyes drifted back to the spoon sliding in and out and her mouth went dry. Jisoo raised an eyebrow and dipped the spoon into the ice cream. Then she brought it up to her lips and let her tongue sneak out to snare a bit. “Want some?” the purple haired offered slyly.

She was flirting.

Two could play at that game.

Jennie nodded.

Jisoo turned the spoon around, letting it come tantalizingly close to Jennie’s mouth. Her own delicate mouth opened in surprise, with a gasp, as Jennie failed to eat the ice-cream, and instead dipped her index finger in it and then sensually sucked it off the tip.

Then with a wicked grin she dipped her finger in again and ran it over Jisoo’s bottom lip. The purple haired reached out, closing her eyes and tasting the ice cream, with a faint hint of Jennie’s perfume in the air. She let the spoon fall down into the ice-cream tub.

It was seconds, mere seconds, before Jennie’s mouth came crashing down on Jisoo’s, so on fire from the teasing that she felt she might devour the purple haired whole.

Except Jisoo was kissing her back.

* *©clomle44* *

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