Chapter 33

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So, this was torture. Jennie could have sworn that the hours, days and weeks that Jisoo had spent with Kai, that every second the purple haired was with someone else, was the most torture life could offer.

Apparently waiting to see if your girlfriend's parents were going to bundle her into some kind of locked box and send her to the nearest convent was a close contender.

I think they'd probably just put her in the car. Maybe handcuffs at a stretch.

Damn but the voice in her head had no sense of the dramatic.

So she was wearing a track in her carpet, pacing back and forth with increasing anxiety and hand wringing. When her doorbell rang, Jennie nearly leapt out of her skin. Tripping over the edge of the carpet as she careened around the corner, she made it down the stairs without breaking her neck and flung open the front door.

It was Kai.

"Oh," she said flatly.

"Glad to see you, too," he replied with a frown. "I'll go."

"No!" Jennie replied hurriedly, "Sorry, I was just... expecting someone else."

"Jisoo," he said with a note of disgust.

"Kai, will you just get your sorry ass in the house?" Jennie dragged him through the door, having had enough of his dramatics.

So it's all right for you but not for him? You're not a hypocrite at ALL! Jennie ignored the dripping sarcasm in her brain.

Kai shoved his hands in his pocket and waltzed into the living room. Actually, it was probably more of a mosey. He mosied on into the living room. Jennie stopped considering what type of walk Kai was doing and followed him.

"I want to be friends again," Kai said bluntly.

"Uh..." What the hell could you say to that? "I thought we were."

He sat on the couch, his head in his hands. "You and Jisoo are together, aren't you?"

"Not really," Jennie admitted. "Sort of."

He raised an eyebrow. "Sort of?"

"Well... her parents are currently throwing tantrums over the whole idea and we haven't really discussed it."



They sat in silence side-by-side on the couch. Kai played with a piece of lint before speaking again.

"Do you like her?"

"I... I think I love her," Jennie said slowly.

Wow. She... she'd said it. Unfortunately, not to Jisoo but still, she'd said it. She was in love with Jisoo Kim. Sod off, give it all, heart on the line, in love with Jisoo Kim. Great. What a great time to figure that out. Here she was, sitting on the couch with the guy she'd stolen Jisoo from, who admittedly had inadvertently stolen Jisoo from her in the first place, and at the same time, Jisoo's parents were most likely banning her from coming anywhere near the purple haired again... bad timing for this decision. And yet it was done. And admitted. And decided.

And it was like the lifting of a weight. Because there were about four million songs and how many movies that said it: love is all you need. If you really do love each other, you'll work it out. So she'd work it out. They'd work around Jisoo's parents if needed, around Kai's childish pouts, around the taunts and recrimination that their relationship would inevitably bring. They'd just... work it out. Right?

Your faith is touching; heart-wrenching; mind-blowingly stupid.

"Wow... does she feel the same way?" Oh right, Kai was still here.

"I don't know. I think so." She considered her answer. "I hope so."

"I think she does." Kai said. "I just... know, y'know?"

Jennie nodded. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I'll get over it," he laughed. "Hell, I'm sure I can find a whole conglomeration of girls to turn gay now."

"You didn't turn Krystal gay," Jennie pointed out.

"No, she just left me for Mr. Stupid." Kai balled up the piece of lint and threw it at the coffee table. It missed by a huge margin and floated limply to the ground.

Once again, they were both silent. Eventually it got a bit much.

"Go out?" Jennie asked quickly.

"Yup," Kai replied.

They drove around in circles for awhile, arguing over their destination. Jennie had no intention of going to a sports bar and Kai had no intention of going to a Starbucks. They eventually compromised on a vegan restaurant that had questionable clientele but impeccable cappuccinos.

It wasn't perfect, but it was some distraction from the rest of her life at hand, or at least from the Jisoo drama. Kai was fun to be with, and always good for conversation. The whole topic of Miss Kim was just too raw for both of them, and thankfully avoided. Jennie was full of faith today, it seemed, because she was fairly sure that her and Kai's friendship was okay. Now the only paranoia she had was that she'd never see Jisoo again.

Just as that thought swooped around her head for the millionth time, her cell buzzed in her pocket. Flipping it open, she found a message from Jisoo.

Pick me up?

Short, to the point, and not just a little cryptic.

Jennie frowned.

"What?" Kai asked. Jennie told him.

"Do you think her parents want to lynch me?" She asked.

Yes, and they'll be wearing little white pointed hats. Jesus, Kim, this isn't Alabama!

"I think Jisoo just wants you to pick her up," Kai replied.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but... LISTEN TO KAI

Well, if Kai and the voice in her head could agree, Jennie was tempted to listen. She was still scared though. "Come with me?" she asked timidly.

Kai rolled his eyes, but he did stand up.

The conversation in the car on the way to Jisoo's was somewhat stilted. Mostly because every time Jennie opened her mouth to say something Kai cut in with, "Don't panic."

Since everything she was going to say was panic-related, it shut her up. End of conversation really.

Pulling into Jisoo's driveway had Jennie's blood pumping so fast she could hear it echoing in her ears. The purple haired emerged through the door before Jennie's feet had hit the gravel of the drive and she was halfway to the car when she stopped. Jisoo looked confused, and then Jennie remembered that Kai was in the front seat.

"Uh, we were hanging out," Jennie said, suddenly aware of the incredible awkwardness of the situation.


"Hey, Jisoo," Kai called out cheerfully, climbing his way into the back seat. "Jen, are you right to give me a ride back to your place so I can get my car?"

"Uh-huh" she answered, not taking her eyes off Jisoo.

"We should go," the purple haired said, "before my parents change their minds."


You really have lost your ability to form coherent speech, haven't you?

She held the door open for Jisoo, more out of shock and need to do something than out of chivalry. Then she drove them back to her place.

It was on the journey that Jennie decided Kai was a god. And that she loved him. Not like THAT! Not like she loved Jisoo, but she did adore him. The stupid jock managed to keep up an easy conversation with both girls, AND to make them laugh, AND to kill the awkwardness.

Once they reached Jennie's house, he quickly said his goodbyes and then the two girls were alone.

"Inside?" Jennie asked.

Jisoo just nodded.

* *©clomle44* *

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